Capital Punishment


Genesis to Esther Series – LESSON 12


We begin in Genesis, chapter nine.  We only touched on a general outline in our consideration of Genesis, chapters one to eight. Many subjects have been left untouched, not mentioned. There are volumes to be read, and books to be read, relative to Noah, the Ark, and the flood. We haven’t given much attention to these, mainly because, we feel that the most important history in Genesis is still before us.


In a very real sense the first eleven chapters of Genesis are preliminary – an introduction in the book, and the primary story comes in Genesis twelve to fifty.


Before we continue on, or approach that section, I want to briefly consider chapters nine, ten, and eleven.


You will see the subject before us, as we begin this lesson.


Genesis 9: 1-6

This is after the flood.

(1) And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.


(2) And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.


(3) Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.


(4) But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.


(5) And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man’s brother will I require the life of man.


(6) Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.


In the beginning before the anti Diluvians were removed by the flood, -- (way back in Genesis) Cain murdered his brother. That is the first mention of murder in the Bible. And when Cain did it, he was not put to death (Gen. 4:15). I think you are all aware of that. He was banished, but he wasn’t put to death. The result was, that in a few generations, the earth was filled with violence. Immediately after the flood, God instituted Capital Punishment. And that is where we are going to begin this lesson.


Before we look at the lesson, I have a paper, which I wrote on Capital Punishment seventeen years ago. I look back over it today, and although some of the things are out-dated, I should just refresh my memory, and let you listen.


We have recently been informed that we are going to hear a lot about Capital Punishment. And although this paper is out-dated, I think we are going to hear more about it soon again.


A fight over the issue is splitting,” so reports an American Magazine. On the News, even today, they are talking and asking for the return of Capital Punishment. In Canada, a Senator by the name of  Krohl introduced a bill in the Senate to abolish the death penalty, except in some cases of treason. In the House of Commons, a bill to abolish Capital Punishment was then sponsored by Mr. McGee. Politicians have spoken, and are speaking, on the issue. Some are in favor of abolition, others are opposed. 


One Newspaper headline reads:

Death Penalty Arguments Rage Hot And Heavy.


It has been reported that the MP argued in parliament:

It is morally wrong that the State should take a life.”


Mr. Winchew was then an MP and was reported to have said:

Capital punishment is inhuman, out of date, and should be outlawed.”


The present government in Ottawa has not taken a stand on the issue. And the strange things is, as I said, this paper dates seventeen years ago, but it is the same thing today as it was then. They haven’t taken a stand on the issue.


People are asking:

                   Why do men condemn other men to die?”

                   What is the value of Capital Punishment?

                   Does Capital Punishment really work as a deterrent? 


In  Vancouver, a man on the street was questioned about the subject of hanging, and he said “I have an unchangeable view on hanging. It is the worst relict of barbarianism we have ever had in our modern society.” He also added, and listen carefully: “Practically no one kills maliciously, it is almost invariably done in the heat of the moment.”


Of the ten people who were questioned on the street, not one referred to the Bible in her or his reply. Isn’t that interesting! And it would be the same today. There is no reference to the Bible! In the reply to which we have just referred, regarding no one killing maliciously, it is evident that the individual who made that statement does not know what the Bible says as the description of the heart of man. He has missed all of that. Of course, in an issue such as this, we will always expect to hear radical statements.


One man said he would not file an Income Tax Return until the question of Capital Punishment had been settled and abolished. He reasoned he did not want his hands bloodied by supporting a hangman. I would like to ask anybody who reasons like that: “What about all public servants?” Should our tax money be used to support Policemen? Is it wrong for a society to have Policemen? Should our tax dollars be used to support an Army? Is it wrong to have an Army? What about the Navy? What about the Air Force? Are all of these wrong? Not only people and politicians, but preachers, have spoken on the issue. And like the politicians, and the public, the majority oppose this subject.


The Catholic Church stated: “The state not only has the right, but also the duty and the moral obligation from God to inflict Capital Punishment if necessary.”


On the other side, the United Church of Canada has been very bold in its support of abolition of Capital Punishment. In a TV News broadcast, the United Church announced that the denomination was opposed to Capital Punishment because it is contrary to the teaching of Christ. And the ”United Church Observer” is urging a complete revision of our ancient eye-to-eye court process in dealing with criminals. In February, “Christianity Today” published an article opposing Capital Punishment in reply to an article earlier in its favor.


Now, after politicians, and preachers have talked, the prophets have also spoken. We have listened to the politicians. Now we want to consider what the Bible says.



Capital Punishment is a Bible subject. You heard me read from the Scriptures. It is to be considered, first of all, as a law, instituted by God, and not by men. I think I should say that again. When it comes to facing this issue, and it is an issue, I have had students who have opposed me, and even walked out on me before I was finished. But I want you to remember this first statement: This is the Law, if we believe the Bible, Capital Punishment was instituted by God, not by men. Genesis 9: 6 – read it again.


Genesis 9: 6

(6) Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.



It is very evident that the Old Testament, not only permits, but requires  the death penalty.” This is the observation of a certain writer, but later in his article, the same writer states: “The New Testament nowhere deals with Capital Punishment as such.” The reason for these statements is that the whole trend of the writer is to minimize the value of the Old Testament Scripture. This, we have discovered, is the ground on which many attack the subject.


We must remember, first of all, that the Bible is one Book. A proper understanding of the New Testament is not possible without a proper consideration of the Old Testament.


When God instituted Capital Punishment, and please take note of this fact, it was before He instituted the Laws to Israel. It is true that the Laws of Israel were more demanding, but those Laws were only imposed upon the nation of Israel. This must always be remembered by a Bible reader.


On the other hand, the Law of Capital Punishment was imposed on the entire human race, when God instituted human government. There is no place in all the Bible where this law has ever been repealed. Of course, confusion reigns in all Bible interpretation when the uniqueness of Israel’s place in the plan of God is overlooked. When the New Testament church is made to be Israel, it is not difficult to see why some conclude, in light of the New Testament, we cannot take the Old Testament too seriously. This is a subtle rejection of part of the Bible.


Secondly, it is important to observe, not only the time of the institution of Capital Punishment, but also the reason for Capital Punishment. And mark this well, Capital Punishment, in the original statement, was to be executed for one offence, and one offence only. At the beginning, it was instituted only for the murderer. He who sheds man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed.


Many writers refer to the “awful records of history” relative to this subject. They reason that history proves that Capital Punishment should be abolished. By way of example, it is stated that less than two-hundred years ago, English men and women were being hanged for cutting down trees, and stealing loaves of bread. And I’m sorry to say that that is a fact. There has been the execution of Capital Punishment, when it should not have been.


The fact that history proves that men have abused the Law of God, is no reason for our trying to abolish the Law of God. God did not require Capital Punishment for a long list of crimes. I repeat: Capital Punishment, in the original statement in the book of Genesis, is for murder only. It is also to be noted in Genesis 9: 5, that an animal that took human life was also to be put to death. Now surely, anyone can see that one purpose of killing the animal, would be to prevent that animal from taking a second life. For, when an animal has tasted human blood, he is out for it again. This also is one purpose for the execution of a murderer. You take his life, so that he won’t do it again.



There are two things relative to this subject, that have been over-looked. First, God demanded Capital Punishment for murder, to teach men the value of human life.



I need not argue with you, but we have now reached a place in our society where human life is very cheap. I repeat, God instituted Capital Punishment to teach the value of human life. The questions – “Why do men condemn to death other men?” and “What is the value of this?” are partly answered here.


The value of Capital Punishment is to teach that human life is above all other life. Human life is precious in God’s sight. If one man takes another man’s life, he must pay the penalty, because each man will have to give an account of his life to God.



Secondly, Capital Punishment was imposed, because man was made in God’s image. Now, that fact, I am going to deal with more fully – but don’t miss it. God says In the image of God made he him. It was because of the way man was created, God instituted this Law.



Paul, writing to the Romans --

Romans 13: 3-4

(3) For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:


(4) For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.



Men, therefore, will give an account to God for not executing His will in proper judgment and justice. Capital Punishment may not be a deterrent now. But it is not because the Law is weak, nor is it because the Law is wrong. The problem is with the weakness of men. Had the Law of God been strictly followed, and had the execution of murderers been swiftly carried out, it would have been a deterrent. Men refuse to hear God. Men refuse to believe God, and men refuse to obey God. And some day, they are going to give an account to God for their disobedience. The idea of Capital Punishment is certainly in the Bible. I don’t know how anybody can argue against that statement.



In Canada in 1967, our government voted in a law that made a distinction between Capital and Non-capital murder. What an invention this was! Capital Punishment was to be the penalty for the murder of police and prison guards on duty. You see, you are only valuable policemen when you are on duty. When you are off duty, you have lost your value to society. It doesn’t make very much sense to me, but this is what they did.


Non-capital murder would mean life-imprisonment for all other types. I have a cartoon. Here is the judge who is sentencing the criminal “for life.”  And he adds “And I hope the parole board doesn’t let you out for three years.” Now, I don’t know if you get the humor of our society or not. He is sentenced to life, with the statement “I hope you don’t get out for three years.”


Well, you know what’s happening in our country. A man murdered a man in Vancouver a few weeks ago, and what did they do this very day -- today? They let that murderer back on the streets on five-hundred dollars bail. And he is right here in our city.


From 1967 to 1975, several Capital crimes, under this new law, were committed, but the Cabinet  (over-ruling Parliament, and in my opinion – breaking the law) commuted every sentence to life imprisonment, which usually means twenty years or less.


On these subjects, you have to keep inserting “in my opinion.” Did you know, as a human being, every man has the right, legally, to his opinion. And so if it is my opinion, you can’t sue me for my opinion. You might, if I stood up and categorically made a statement and didn’t add “in my opinion.” And so, in my opinion, the Cabinet was breaking the law. And in doing that, they commuted every sentence to life imprisonment, which usually means twenty years or less.


In 1976 our government, against the wishes of seventy-five percent of the voting public, voted to abolish Capital Punishment in Canada. The last execution was well over twenty years ago. The previous government, and the present government seemed to have no intention of bringing back Capital Punishment.


We Present Our Case


Here we present our case. And I believe that this is the proper order in which to discuss it.


1.   God Is Sovereign


In all of these things, God is Sovereign. Our God Reigns. When is the last time you sang that? Our God Reigns! We have people who go to church and sing that on Sunday morning, but they don’t believe it. What are you meaning when you say God Reigns? You mean God is Sovereign.


1.    God is Creator


God is Creator of all human beings. Nobody can argue against that.


2.    God Is The Potter


God is the Potter, and we are the clay. That is very Scriptural.


3.    We Must Accept These Facts:


We must begin here, by accepting these facts:

          µ      I did not choose to be born. Did you?

          µ      I did not choose my parents. Did you?

          µ      I did not choose the place of my birth. Did you?

          µ      I did not choose to be a male.

          µ      You did not choose to be female.


          µ      I did not choose my looks. Did you? Every time I look at myself in

                   the mirror, I get a shock. I don’t know how people can put up with



          µ      I didn’t choose my height. If I could have been able to do

                   something about it, I would have.


          µ      I did not choose the color of my skin.


          µ      And one thing is very sure – I will not be left to choose the day of

                   my death.


That is only a small list. I could go on and add, and add, and add. There are a thousand things in the life of every individual that you have to accept in the Sovereignty of God. Do you believe that God is Sovereign? You have to believe that God is Sovereign!


2.   Sovereign God Instituted Human Government


Psalms 62: 11

(11) God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God.

That word “power” is “authority.” Authority belongs unto God. And if you believe in the Sovereignty of God, you have no difficulty accepting the fact that authority belongs to God.


Romans 13: 1

(1) Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers.

Without any question, it is talking about governments.


Let every soul be subject unto the governments.

For there is no authority (For there is no government)

For there is no power but of God: the powers (the authorities, the governments) that be are ordained of God.


Now that is New Testament teaching. And if I believe in the Sovereignty of God (and I do), and if I believe that God has ordained governments, then I have to look squarely at what follows.



Daniel 4: 17,  25

We read about a king who had to learn this the hard way.


(17) This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth

(That is the ever present tense)


in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and sitteth up over it the basest of men.



Every time I read that, I have to acknowledge: I still have a problem trying to adjust my mind to the ways of God. We read history: – you have a Haman, and you have a Herod in the Bible. Then you have a Hitler – the basest of men. Why God does this I cannot tell you -- but history is marked by the fact that government has been in the hands of base men. And God says He has done it.



(25) That they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.



The same thing is in verses 28-37.

Daniel 4: 28-37

(28) All this came upon the king Nebuchadnezzar.


(29) At the end of twelve months he walked in the palace of the kingdom of Babylon.


(30) The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?


The only trouble with this king was, he didn’t recognize the fact that God was Sovereign in his life. And he is talking about himself holding the kingdoms.


(31) While the word was in the king’s mouth, there fell a voice from heaven saying, O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee.


(32) And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field: they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, until thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

Notice, it is not “ruled” or “will rule” but “ruleth.”


(33) The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were grown like eagles’ feathers, and his nails like birds’ claws.


(34) And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation.


(35) And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?


(36) At the same time my reason returned unto me; and for the glory of my kingdom, mine honour and brightness returned unto me; and my counselors and my lords sought unto me; and I was established in my kingdom, and excellent majesty was added unto me.


Before his experience, he was boasting that he held the kingdom. Now he is saying “I am holding it, but it has been added unto me.


(37) Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase.


That is worth reading over and over again, because in all of those verses you have the fact of the Sovereignty of God, instituting the Sovereignty of God in the affairs of men.


Deuteronomy 8: 18

When men prosper (that’s the context); when they have all that hearts desire, and they have all the money they need -- the danger is, you say in your heart: “My power and the might of my hand hath gotten me this wealth.” – but now look at this next verse:


(18) But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth,



I think every human being should be reminded of the Sovereignty of God regarding your life and regarding what you have. You wouldn’t have any brains to do any work, if God hadn’t given them to you. You couldn’t do what you do if God didn’t give you the strength to do it. And never forget, it is God that delegates authority to men.



3.   The Purpose Of Human Government


Romans 13: 1-3

We read verse one earlier, but now let us read where God tells us the purpose of human government.


(1) Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.


(2) Whosoever therefore resisteth the power (the government)

 resisteth the ordinance of God:

That’s pretty powerful. Governments are ordained of God.


And they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

The better word is “condemnation.” There is condemnation for resisting the government. What is the purpose of human government?


(3) For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil.

Observe the words “good” and “evil.”


We are living in days when there is such a departure from the Word of God that people have lost the ability to know what is good and what is evil. In fact, they can talk about some things that are evil, as being good. And they talk about some things that are good, as being evil.


For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil.

If everybody was good, you wouldn’t need government. That is what it is saying. The reason we need government is because men are so evil.


I remember hearing king George VI give a speech back in 1939. And that Godly man concluded his speech by telling us a story. It has been repeated many times since, and I want to repeat it.


He said: A father had been left at home with his very active little boy. He would sit down to read his Newspaper, and his boy would come and say “Dad give me something to do.” So he tried everything, but the boy kept disturbing him. Finally the dad saw a picture of a map of the world. He folded it all up, then he took his scissors and cut it and made a jigsaw puzzle out of it. He put it down in front of the boy, and said to the boy “Now you put the world together.” He said to himself “I’ll be here for a while now without him bothering me.”


But in a very few minutes, the boy was back. He said “Dad that’s done, what can I do now?” His Dad said “How in the world did you put the world together so rapidly?” Oh he said, “I didn’t put the world together. On the back of that map there was a face of a man. I didn’t know what the world looked like, but I know what a man looks like. I put the man together because I knew if I got the man together, the world would come out all right.”


I think that is telling the story. The problem today that we face is not with that society out there. The problem we face today is with the human heart. And so governments are necessary; not because people are good, they are necessary because the people  are evil. 


We have stated that God is Sovereign, and that God, in His Sovereignty, has instituted human government. And now we want to continue to consider the purpose of human government. So reading again from Romans 13:


Romans 13: 3-7

(3) For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:


What is God’s reason for instituting human government?

(4) For he is the minister of God to thee for good.


Now that is true of government incorporate, and that is true of individuals within government. What are judges? What are policemen? They are the ministers of God to thee for good.


But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain (this is from the New Testament, not from the Old Testament)  for he is the minister of God, revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.


(5) Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.

He is talking to Christians when he says that.


(6) For this cause pay ye tribute (taxes) also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.


(7) Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.


I hope to say something more about that verse, under another section of our subject. But compare that Scripture reading with:


2 Chronicles 19: 6

(6) And said to the judges, Take heed what ye do: for ye judge not for man, but for the Lord, who is with you in the judgment.


We are going to read Scriptures relative to good and evil. Remember, if you depart from Bible knowledge, you do not have a ground on which to determine what is right and what is wrong. Unless you have a standard to tell you, how are you going to determine? You soon become like the book of Judges, everybody sets his own rules. That is what is happening in our world today.


The Words “Good” And “Evil”


Notice the words “good” and “evil” in the following Scriptures. This is a study all of its own.


Job 2: 10

(10) But he said unto her, Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips.


Isaiah 5: 20

(20) Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!


Jeremiah 10: 5

(5) They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.


Micah 3: 2

(2) Who hate the good, and love the evil; who pluck off their skin from off them, and their flesh from off their bones;


Romans 3: 8

(8) And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? Whose damnation is just.


Romans 7: 19-21

(19) For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.


(20) Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.


(21) I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.


Romans 9: 11

(11) (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;)


Romans 12: 21

(21) Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.


Romans 13: 3-4

(3) For the rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:


(4) For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.


Hebrews 5: 14

(14) But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.


3 John 11

(11)  Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.


Human Government Has A Two-Fold Responsibility


1 Peter 2: 13-14

(13) Submit (nobody likes that word. I don’t care where they are, that makes a man see red! The woman too!)


Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man (why?) for the Lord’s sake:


That’s reason number one. Again, that is talking to believers. Why do you keep the speed limit? God says: for the Lord’s sake. Now, when I touch on that, we all have fingers pointed at us.


Did I tell you about the time I got the ticket? I told this at Jubilee Bible College. And when I was telling the students, one student was very sharp. I said “I have only had one speeding ticket in my life.” And he put up his hand and said “The only time you were caught.” I said, “Yes, I guess I will have to agree with you.” I was never so thankful for a lawyer as I was that day.


I was speeding, looking at my watch. I was to be at Eston at one o’clock for a class, and I was between Swift Current and Eston on the number four highway. I would look at my watch, and step on it a little faster, and then look at it, and go a little faster. And suddenly, one of those men with the uniform and the red light, pulled me over, and the thing that hurt most was, when I pulled out my driver’s license, on it was the word “Reverent.” He looked at that and said, “I’m sorry Reverent, but I have been following you for miles and you have really been pushing it to the bottom.” I tried to give all the excuses that everybody else tries to give, but he wrote me out a ticket anyway.


When I went back to that little town of Eston, the day came when I had to go to court. I said to my friend “I wish I didn’t have to do this.” He said “You don’t, I’ll get my lawyer to go for you.” And I was never so thankful for somebody to stand up for me as I was that day. I didn’t have to go, the lawyer went for me. But the thing, when I think about it, was this: I couldn’t sleep after I got that ticket. I would look at it, and it would waken me up in the night. And the thing I haven’t decided yet, whether it was my pride that was hurt, or whether it was my conscience that was really hurting me. I would like to think it was my conscience -- I really would. But submit to the ordinance of men! Why? For the Lord’s sake. Did you get that? We need to hear that over again.


(13) Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;


(14) Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.


The government will give rewards to people who behave themselves, if you do it long enough. But they are also in there to punish evildoers. God says that is the purpose of government. It is to make rules, and then when the rules are broken, it is to execute punishment because rules are broken. I don’t think that is too hard to accept. Down in our hearts, something says “I guess that is right.” Evildoers should be punished.


I have a paper from a lawyer friend in Regina. It is from the Canadian Intelligent Service. It is a copy of a paper written by C.S. Lewis on the subject of the humanitarian theory of punishment. I don’t know any paper that has made me think more than this one on this subject. The thing is this: Should people who commit crime be punished? That is a big question. Should they be punished, or should they go to school to learn how not to commit crimes?



What are the two reasons for government?

                                       1.      To punish evildoers.

                                       2.      And to protect the doers of good.



We are getting ourselves into such a complicated society, that I can easily believe that what we have done here, could easily bring the Tribulation to all of us. You can hardly turn around now but you are in trouble.


Today’s “Human Rights” – some people think it is so wonderful. Human Rights now, have a right to do wrong. That is my opinion on what is going on. You’ve got a right to do wrong. I know that the original intention was to protect the right to do right. But it is no longer following that. We have now come to the place where a man can do wrong and get away with it. He has a right to do it, and you are stepping on his “Human Rights” if you put him into jail, or something of that nature.


4.   Two Important Verses Regarding Punishment


Isaiah 26: 9-10

(9) With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early (earnestly): for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.

When God’s judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants will learn righteousness.



(10) Let favour be shown to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness:

Reducing punishment will not reduce crime. How do I know? God says so.


You can withhold punishment, and think, by treating those who are criminals, better, they are going to be better. Such is not true. God says reducing punishment will not reduce crime.



Ecclesiastes 8: 11

The wisest man who ever lived (God says that, it is not my idea) makes a statement. It is recorded by Inspiration -- and I recognize Inspiration. I believe it was from the wisdom of  Solomon that God had Solomon make this statement. And it is certainly true!



(11) Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.



Delay in punishment increases crime.

Do you know there are some men today that are so clever, they are really literally clever devils. They are so clever that they know, by the time they pull all the ropes, it is going to be years before they are sentenced.


Our courts are getting so bogged down, that it is impossible to speedily execute punishment. And the wise man said: When you do that, you are going to increase crime.


Remember, it is criminals who commit crimes. I think we have forgotten that Criminals commit crimes! I may sound kind of hard to some of you, as you listen to this, but I am building up to what the Word of God has to say.


5.  The Bible Reason For Capital Punishment Is Based On The Way Man Was Created


Genesis 1: 26-27

(26) And God said, Let us make man in our image,


(27) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him;


Genesis 5: 1

(1) This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;


Let’s read the latter part of Genesis 8, and then see the connection with chapter nine. Chapter nine starts with the word “And.” It is not a break, it is in conjunction with that which has gone before.


Genesis 8: 20-22

(20) And Noah builded an altar unto the Lord, and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar.


(21) And the Lord smell a sweet savour; and the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth;


Don’t miss that background to what we are going to read. That was after the flood. The flood did not change the hearts of men. Man’s heart is evil from his youth. But God said, Neither will I smite every living thing as I have done.


(22) While the earth remaineth,

I believe, if you are going to interpret Scripture properly, you must read the next chapter in light of that -- while the earth remaineth,”


Seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

Has God kept His side of the bargain?


Genesis 9: 1-5

(1) And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.


(2) And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.


(3) Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you;

Is that fact that I just read – “as long as the earth remaineth?” Can’t you eat what God has made – as long as the earth remaineth? I’d like to insert that after every statement.


Even as the green herb have I given you all things. (as long as the earth remaineth)


(4) But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.

That is not the only time that is in the Bible.


We are told later on why. Why was man told to not eat blood? And that means – while the earth remaineth. Leviticus tells us the life of the flesh is in the blood. And God wants to remind us where the life of the flesh is, so He says in the Old and New Testament – don’t eat blood.


(5) And surely your blood of your lives will I require, at the hand of every beast will I require it,(as long as the earth remaineth) and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man’s brother will I require the life of man (as long as the earth remaineth)


(6) Whoso (as long as the earth remaineth) sheddeth man’s blood by man shall his blood be shed: FOR in the image of God made he man.


God gives the reason for Capital Punishment. This is not only a “Law of Moses.” Execution of punishment is for the reason given: man is created in the image of God.


Numbers 35: 6, 11, 12, 16 -32

(6) And among the cities which ye shall give unto the Levites there shall be six cities for refuge, which ye shall appoint for the manslayer, that he may flee thither: and to them ye shall add forty and two cities.


(11) Then ye shall appoint you cities to be cities of refuge for you; that the slayer may flee thither, which killeth any person at unawares.


It doesn’t say murder. Here it uses the word “kill” -- if somebody kills accidentally.  Don’t miss that. Is it possible for a man to kill a man accidentally? Yes it is. That is not murder.


(12) And they shall be unto you cities for refuge from the avenger;

Remember Romans 13 where the government is the avenger? Where did it come from? It came out of this Old Testament passage. There was an avenger in the family then. Who is the avenger now? – the government. We’ve learned that from Romans already.


That the manslayer die not, until he stand before the congregation in judgment.

In other words, if a man killed a man, and it can be proven it was an accident, he had a fair trial. That is what it is telling us.


(16) And if he smite him with an instrument of iron, so that he die, (that doesn’t mean it was an accident) (if he smite him deliberately) he is a murderer: Did you get the difference in the passage? The murderer shall surely be put to death.


(17) And if he smite him with throwing a stone, wherewith he may die, and he die, he is a murderer; the murderer shall surely be put to death.


(18) Or if he smite him with an handweapon of wood, wherewith he may die, and he die, he is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to death.


There are some people who seem to have the idea that Capital Punishment is only in Genesis. You can see it is here as well. And, by the way, this is not only the Law of Moses, this is after the ten commandments were given.


(19) The revenger of blood himself shall slay the murderer: when he meeteth him, he shall slay him.

It was the responsibility of the avenger.


(21) Or in enmity smite him with his hand, that he die: he that smote him shall surely be put to death; for he is a murderer: the revenger of blood shall slay the murderer, when he meeteth him.


(22) But if he thrust him suddenly without enmity, or have cast upon him any thing without laying of wait,


(23) Or with any stone, wherewith a man may die, seeing him not, and cast it upon him, that he die, and was not his enemy, neither sought his harm:


(24) Then the congregation shall judge between the slayer and the revenger of blood according to these judgments:


(25) And the congregation shall deliver the slayer out of the hand of the revenger of blood, and the congregation shall restore him to the city of his refuge, whither he was fled: and he shall abide in it unto the death of the high priest, which was anointed with the holy oil.


(26) But if the slayer shall at any time come without the border of the city of his refuge, whither he was fled;


(27) And the revenger of blood find him without the borders of the city of his refuge, and the revenger of blood kill the slayer; he shall not be guilty of blood:


Now, will you mark that. There is a rule here. If he is the revenger – if he is the government – and the fellow did not keep the rule, then the avenger is not guilty.


(28) Because he should have remained in the city of his refuge until the death of the high priest: but after the death of the high priest the slayer shall return into the land of his possession.


(29) So these things shall be for a statute of judgment unto you throughout your generations in all your dwellings.



(30) Whoso killeth any person, the murderer shall be put to death by the mouth of witnesses: but one witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die.



I’m glad all of this is in the Bible. You see, men have not been following the rules; that is why they are in trouble. God made provision, that there had to be at least two witnesses of the murder before there could be Capital Punishment – at least two. How many have been executed, where there has only been evidence that is from the outside. It took witnesses. And not just one!


You follow the News tonight. If any of you looked at the CBC news, it was just one thing after another in the realm of crime. The news commentator read out “Crime is increasing,” and he went down over it.  So many things have been made wrong for people who are in prison. They are unjustly there, because one witness has testified against them. And according to the Bible, one witness is not enough; because one witness could be prejudiced against the individual. And so here is a rule that is in the Book, that is really a good one. 


(31) Moreover ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of a murderer, which is guilty of death: but he shall be surely put to death.

Notice very carefully – if he is a proven murderer. That is what is here.


There is a distinction here between Manslaughter and Murder.



When a soldier kills in War, that is manslaughter, not murder.  You’re not so sure? When Police kill on duty, that is manslaughter not murder. I want to tell you, I think the day has come, if we are going to follow the Bible, we should remember that the authorities are ordained of God. And some of our Police need our moral support in these days.


When I was in a certain city, I met a young fellow who went to a Christian Missionary Alliance Church. He was a city Policeman.  One day they found some young guys who had broken into a Safeway store; they tracked them down and had them on surveillance. They were watching the house day after day. And when one of these young fellows broke out and started to run, this young policeman said “Stop, or I’ll shoot.” The fellow kept running. He did not intend to kill him, but the young policeman  pulled the trigger. He intended to hit the fellow in a limb and cripple him so he could catch him, but he killed him.


Do you know what happened in that city? That policeman had to leave town. His phone rang constantly. The city rose up, not against the criminal, the city rose up against the policeman. And I’ll tell you, it is a sad day when our sympathy is with the criminal, and not with those who suffer because of the crime. But that’s where we are at today! I repeat: when Police kill on duty, that is manslaughter not murder.


When one kills in self-defense, that is not murder, it is manslaughter. Self-defense – that is quite a subject! You better be sure it is self-defense.  I know of a preacher, he is gone to Heaven now, but he was a great man, in my opinion. He just happened to be a Baptist, but he was a great preacher.


There is another man today. I think it is alright if I listen to him. When I name a man, I don’t support everything he does, but I tell you, Jerry Falwell, if I may name him, is getting very politically involved isn’t he. You all know that. And if somebody shoots at him one of these days, I wouldn’t be surprised. That would not surprise me. And if he has to have a body guard, I’m not surprised.


This preacher of whom I speak, got involved politically in a big city in the United States. A fellow came in one day, called him by name, and said “I am going to come back and shoot you.” And the preacher said “I believed him. He meant it.” So he said “I went and bought a gun.”


I am not telling you to buy guns. I’m telling you a story. He went and bought a gun, and put it in the drawer of his desk in his office. And sure enough, the fellow came back with his gun to shoot him, but the preacher pulled his out first. He said “I have never shot a gun before.” He shot the man, and he never even came to trial. He was so well-known, somebody said “That is what money will do.” No, not in this case. They knew the man who came in to shoot him. They knew where he stood. And the authorities did not bring the preacher to trial because it was manslaughter. It was self-defense. 


I have often said this, when I read of some of the things that are not only in the Bible, but I read of some of the things that happen to other people in their homes: I raised a daughter, and I have a wife. And I don’t want to sound as though I am bragging, but I’m trying to think about this society in which we live. I’m glad that we live five stories up, and not on the ground floor.


It used to be that it was the other fellow who had their home broken in. It was the other fellow who had his daughter raped. It was the other fellow who’s wife was smitten by a criminal. I would like to think that if some man came in to molest my daughter, or if a man came in to attack my wife, at that moment, I would believe in Capital Punishment. And at that moment, I would stand up if it took my life, and attempt to save my wife. Wouldn’t you? There is a time when we all believe in Capital Punishment. Whether we want to say it or not, it is certainly in our hearts. There are certain people who do things, that down in our hearts, we know they have forfeited the right to live.


Let’s go back and read on. When one kills in self-defense, that is not murder, it is manslaughter. Thus, if you kill a man by accident – that is manslaughter, not murder. Whenever I talk this way, amongst the people who will listen, there is always somebody who has had an accident in their life, someplace.


I know of a dear man; our missionaries had come home with a little baby, just big enough to walk around. And this dear Christian brother was backing up a load of gravel, and he backed over the little baby. He had to go himself, and pick up that lifeless form, and take that lifeless form to a missionary couple. who are still on the mission field. It was an accident. He didn’t come to trial. Accidents can take place, and when humans are killed, it is manslaughter, but it is not murder.


If a man is killed by an animal, that is manslaughter, not murder. Animals kill, they do not murder. Did you get that? Animals kill, they do not murder. If the law of the land takes a murderer’s life, that is not murder. And if you can’t see the difference, there is something wrong with your thinking.


In the Old Testament the head of the family was the Avenger of Blood. In Romans 13, we are told “The Government now bears the sword. To say there is no ground in the New Testament for Capital Punishment, we must ignore Romans 13.


Acts 25: 11

(11) For if I be an offender, or have committed any thing worthy of death, I refuse not to die: but if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me, no man may deliver me unto them. I appeal unto Caesar.

Paul accepted Capital Punishment.


Now, here is the big question. “Is man only an animal?” Is man only a fully-developed monkey? I saw one of these television shows on the Knowledge Network, where they were trying to show how close the monkeys are to men. If he is, then there is no such thing as murder. If there is no such thing as murder, then there is no ground for Capital Punishment. Don’t forget, the ground for Capital Punishment is murder – only murder.




If you kill a cow – that is not murder.

If you kill a pig – that is not murder.

If you kill a dog – that is not murder.

And if you kill a monkey – that is not murder.


You do not commit any crime when you kill your dog, your cat, your cow, or your monkey etc. You do not, for you cannot murder animals.

                             Kill? – Yes.

                             Murder? – No.


You can only murder human beings. Now, do you see where we are today with our society? If man is only an animal (and that is what we are being taught by “so-called evolution.”) then there is no distinction between killing an murder. Then no crime is involved. If you kill your own, no punishment is needed. This argument is being used regarding abortion. A mother has a right to do what she wants with her own baby. Just like a man has a right to do what he likes with his own dog or cat. If man is only an animal, there is no Capital Crime possible, and therefore no need for Capital Punishment.


I quote the Regina Leader Post:

“When we cannot see the difference between a criminal killing a man in cold blood, and the Law of the Land executing JUST punishment we have lost our sense of direction.”


I am not talking about Capital Punishment where it is not proven. I am talking about JUST punishment.  We have lost our sense of direction.


According to the Bible, the blood of murdered victims defiles the earth. That is not my idea, that’s God’s idea. Remember, when you read from Genesis, it says the blood of Abel cried unto God. And that has not changed. Every time blood is shed by a murderer, it comes up into the ears of God.


Murder fills up the cup of iniquity and hastens judgment. God judges when the cup is full. In the next lesson we are going to talk about punishment in general. I think it is time we looked at punishment – not from the eyes of the experts, but we need to look at punishment from the eyes of the Creator – what God says about it.


Brief Review


We have paid special attention to the Doctrine of Capital Punishment, as introduced  in Genesis 9:6. The first reason God gives for Capital Punishment is because man was created in God’s image. You can see that in the verse. As we pointed out in our last study, rejecting that fact, it is an easy matter to reject Capital Punishment. As we said, you do not murder animals, you only murder men. But if men are only glorified animals, then there is basically no difference between killing a man, or killing a monkey. But, in the conscience of every man, I’m sure he knows better than that.


Therefore, getting back to the Bible, the reason for Capital Punishment is to impress upon all humans, the value of human life. Then, and just important to reason, the blood of murdered victims defiles the earth. We may not understand that, but that is what God says.


I find an interesting verse in Revelation 11: 18. It talks about the Day of Judgment. Revelation 11: 18

(18) And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.


The latter part of the verse says that the time is coming when God will destroy them that destroy the earth. It is stated in there!  Man has been placed on this earth in trust. And man will be held responsible for what he has done – not only with his own life, but what he has done on this earth, and with this earth. And as I would say as a man, and fully understand  that smoke and exhaust fumes from car defile the air, so the blood of murdered victims defile the earth.


6.   The Blood Of Murdered Victims Defiles The Earth (In God’s Sight)


It is not what I think about it, it is what God says about it.


Numbers 35: 33    It talks about murder throughout the passage.

(33) So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.


That is part of the Law of God. Don’t ask me to try and explain that. I have to believe what God says. God says, when a man is murdered, and his blood is poured out on this earth, the earth is defiled by that blood. I don’t know how language could be plainer.


Psalms 106: 35-39

God talks about their wicked works in verse 35, and speaking to the children of Israel:

(35) But were mingled among the heathen, and learned their works.


(36) And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them.


(37) Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils,


The sad thing about that verse is, it is still up to date! There are people who are still offering human sacrifices. You may not be aware of it, but it is still happening. And God says they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils. And now look at the next verse.


(38) And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan and the land was polluted with blood.


(39) Thus were they defiled with their own works


God says, when innocent blood is shed. I think this is so very sobering. In the day in which we are living, what a sobering revelation! God says that men, by their works of shedding innocent blood defile the earth.


Genesis 4: 10   

You have the record of the first murder in history. I want you to notice something that is stated regarding the blood of this first murdered man – when Cain murdered Abel. Verse 8 tells us that Cain rose up and slew him. And then he tried to hide it.


(10) The Lord said, What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground.


If I can literalize this to get the point across. If the shedding of the blood of one man brought a noise in the ears of God, what is happening today – in our world with all the innocent blood that is crying out from the ground? God says it defiles the earth, and God says it sends a cry up into his ears when innocent blood is shed.


Luke 11: 49-51

To show you that this theme is not confined to the Old Testament.

(49) Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute:


(50) That the  blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation;


(51) From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation.


Luke was written as you know, approximately 2000 years ago. And in one sweeping word, from Abel, right up until the time of Christ, all the blood that has been shed innocently, is going to be required. And if that is true for that period, what about the period since? What about our period? – when there is so much innocent blood being shed. I want to tell you – it is crying in the ears of Almighty God.


Now the next is another reason for Capital Punishment


7.   Murder Fills Up The Cup Of Iniquity And Hastens Judgment.


Murder that is not brought to justice, fills up the cup of iniquity and hastens the Day of Judgment. This is a sobering lesson from the Bible.


Psalms 75: 6-8

You will see from the Bible where I get this kind of language.

(6) For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.


(7) But God is the judge:

(and it is well for us to remember, that every individual is one day going to judgment) God is the judge: he putteth down one, and sitteth up another.


(8) For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them.


What is it talking about? It is talking about a “cup of judgment.” And in the hand of the Lord, there is a cup of judgment.


Revelation 14: 9-10

See how often this language is used in the Bible. This verse talks about the coming Day of Judgment.


(9) And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,


(10) The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:


You can see as you are reading – In Psalms it is talking about a cup of judgment that one day is going to be poured out by the Hand of God.


Genesis 15: 16

This principle is all through the Bible. Lord willing, we shall be dealing with this chapter more fully later. When the children of Israel went in Egypt, God said he would keep them there for four-hundred years – and here is the reason:


(16) But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.


This needs to be repeated so it will be imprinted on your memory. God brought Israel out of Egypt to slay the Canaanites, but He waited until their cup of iniquity was full. That is why He waited for four-hundred years. It took four-hundred years for the iniquity in the land of Canaan to become so awful that God said to Joshua “Go in and slay them utterly.” 


When the cup is full, God judges. Do you see the principle? And I want to tell you, the cup of iniquity is rapidly filling up today, and as it was in Genesis 6, as it was in the book of Ezekiel, when the earth was filled with violence, God sent the flood. It’s when the children of Israel had filled the cup of iniquity, God sent the Babylonians. When they had filled the cup of iniquity, God sent the captivity of the Assyrians.



God judges when the cup is full. The failure to execute Capital Punishment is filling up the cup. It is a sad commentary on our times, but governments today are so corrupt. I don’t think anybody is going to judge me on this: but when you listen to the news about our own country, you are appalled constantly about what you are hearing.  Governments today are so corrupt, they are no longer capable, or able, to execute justice, including Capital Punishment for Capital crime. It is because the bottom has dropped out, we face what we face.



8.   Conclusion


Today abortion is filling up the cup more rapidly than anything else except homosexuality. That is a big statement, but I build that on the revelation of God’s Word. When you stop and think about the reason for Sodom and Gomorrah, and the reason for the flood – it was basically homosexuality.


But we now have homosexuality and we have abortion. There is something desperately wrong, when a generation rejects marriage and accepts Homosexual and Lesbian relationships. And the same generation rejects Capital Punishment (which was intended to punish the guilty), as being immoral and inhumane. And the same generation, at the same time accepts abortion, which in reality, is the execution of Capital Punishment of the innocent – and that, often by the choice of the mothers!


Surely these are days “without natural affection.”

2 Timothy 3: 3

(3)Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,


These are days of vile affections

Romans 1: 26

(26) For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:


These are days when men are calling “evil” good and “good” evil

Isaiah 5: 20

(20) Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!


And I just bring to your attention, the principles of God never change. Back in the book of Isaiah, that was the way it was. And when they got to that place where evil had become good, and good had become evil, God had to judge them. Now, as long as man accepts abortion, he will be forced to reject Capital Punishment. And so, these things go together.


And further to all this, is very little use actually, of campaigning for Capital Punishment until we first do something about abortion. I think you can see the wisdom of that. Where do we begin? – with abortion.


If you are paying attention, you will notice that whenever the public is being stirred up about Capital Punishment, (for example, when a prominent man is murdered,) the News media will come out with lead articles against it. Do you notice that?


And whenever the subject of abortion is being given attention by the public, the News media will endeavor to make it look right, and make it look acceptable.


A few years ago, I was asked by a student – Why has murder continued since the first one in Genesis? I don’t know the date of my reply, because I didn’t date it, but it is three or four years ago. And I answered that student by giving him the following Scriptures:


James 4: 1-2

(1) From whence come wars and fightings among you?

The context is, when people leave God out of their lives, murder is the result.


Mark 7: 21

(21) Jesus said For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,


Genesis 6: 5

(5) And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.


Genesis 8: 21

(21) And the Lord smelled a sweet savour; and the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth;


Jeremiah 17: 9

(9) The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?


Psalms 14: 1-4

(1) The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.


(2) The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.


(3) They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.


(4) Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? Who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the Lord.


Romans 1: 21-32   Gives the detail of why men live as they live.

(21) Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

All the violence, including murder, and the rest of it follows.


The basic reason for murder is the fact that men have left God out of their life. And they have left God out of their living. And only God can change the heart of a man. That is why Salvation begins in the heart. It’s with the heart man believeth. When our hearts are made better, our conduct will improve. But only by the changing of the heart of man, can the conduct of man be altered. This also applies to the subject of abortion. The average man in the world is blind to the facts, but to me, it is most alarming when Christians are blind to the facts.


In my reading, I have gathered these facts: The United States is perhaps the most advanced nation today. Yet probably the most lawless in the world. Now, isn’t that a contradiction? The most advanced – and how can you account for that – the most lawless?


Hitler’s Germany, about forty-five years ago, was the most advanced civilization of the day. They gloried in their so-called higher education and their so-called higher religious criticism. Yet that civilization was capable of the mass murder of six million souls.


Russia, in the days of Stalin, was not considered heathen in any sense of the word. It would never be compared to so-called ignorant tribes of Africa. And yet, in the days of Stalin, that society allowed the mass murder of twelve millions of people. All those things are facts of history.


Now, in our fair country, we face the subject of abortion. When a mother murders a child after it is born, she is considered a murderess. What is she if she murders her child before birth? One nurse was reported to have said “The idea of having babies delivered small and dead is very unpleasant.”


Today we find it difficult to forgive Hitler for killing those not his own flesh and blood. In fact, we think he was a monster. What are we to really feel about a mother who puts an end to her own child, regardless of how young or old it is? When the national conscience can be chloroformed  to this prevalent practice, it is little wonder that Capital Punishment is a rejected doctrine. Marriage is no longer sacred. Morals are no longer in existence. Therefore, murder is acceptable. We live in a crooked and a perverse generation.


I would like to recommend this book to you: “Abortion, the Silent Holocaust.” The writer is John Powell. He is a Jesuit Priest, who went over to Europe and saw first-hand, what had happened with the murder of innocent people. And then he came back, and he could not be silent regarding what is going on. There are things in that book; I don’t know when I had been stirred more deeply, than I was when I read the account of what is going on in America and Canada right now. It is horrible!



But how are we going to attack it? How are we going to stand up? Are we going to go and march for Capital Punishment? Are we going to go out and march against abortion? There is absolutely no use! That is not the answer. Do you know where the answer begins? – to get people to realize that the whole problem begins at home. If we are going to remedy the Capital Punishment, and if we are going to remedy the abortion situation, we have to get back to what the Bible says home ought to be. The remedy begins by building Christian marriage, and Christian homes. Later on we will talk more about that.