The Jew, Gentile, The Church

Has the Church Replaced Israel?


Lesson V

November 28, 2004


Introduction               We have rejected replacement theology and in these lessons are listing our reasons

I               It is important to remember

1)      Jesus was born a Jew

a)      Matthew 2:2

b)      Luke 2:21

2)      Jesus was born in a Jewish town

a)      Matthew 2:1

b)      Matthew 2:3-6

(i)     cf Micah 5:2

3)      Jesus was born of a Jewish mother

a)      Luke 1:38-43

4)      Jesus was identified as a Jew and was called a Jew

a)      John 4:9

5)      Jesus died as King of the Jews

a)      Matthew 27:36

6)      Jesus came, lived and died in the Land of the Jews

a)      Read the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

7)      Jesus will return to the Land of the Jews

a)      Acts 1:9-11

b)      Zechariah 14:1-5

8)      Jesus will return to that land as King of the Jews and King of Kings

a)      Revelation 19:16

b)      Revelation 11:15

c)      1 Timothy 6:13-15

d)     Psalm 72:11

9)      Most of the Bible was written by Jews

a)      Exceptions being Job and Luke

10)  The 12 Apostles were Jews

a)      Matthew 10:1-5

11)  Paul the Apostle was a Jew

a)      Acts 22:3

12)  The first Christians had all been Jews

13)  How can Christians hate Jews?

II            The Jews of Israel have been promised earthly blessings

1)      Genesis 12:1-3

2)      Exodus 32: 11-13              "thy people”

3)      2 Chronicles 7: 12-22        “my people”

4)      Ezekiel 36: 28,34-36         There is a great future for the land of the Jews

5)      The blessings for the Church are spiritual and Heavenly

a)      Ephesians 1:3

b)      Colossians 3:1-3

(i)     cf John 16:33

(ii)   1 Peter 4: 12

III         Israel is a separated Nation from the world, but still of the world

1)      Genesis 25:23

2)      Exodus 11:7

3)      Exodus 33:16

4)      Exodus 34:10

5)      Leviticus 20:24

6)      Numbers 23:9

7)      1 Kings 8:53

8)      Psalm 147:19-20

9)      The Church is not of the world

a)      John 15:19

b)      John 17:14-16

c)      1 Peter 2:9-11              Remember Israel had a priesthood, the Church is a priesthood

d)     Philippians 3:20

IV         Conclusion        We shall continue to give more reasons for rejecting replacement theology in another lesson