The Two Advents of Jesus Christ

How Jesus’ Coming is Presented

Lesson II

January 23, 2005



I         Introduction: a Review

Advent                        The Coming of Jesus Christ to this earth.

Jesus                            Saviour

Christ                          Messiah           cf  Luke 9:20

II      Christ Jesus, Messiah Saviour

1)      Promised in the Old Testament

Genesis 3:15                To Eve             a Seed

Genesis 17:19              To Abram        a Son

Deuteronomy              To Moses         a Prophet

1 Samuel 2:35             To Eli              a Priest

2 Samuel 7:12             To David         a King

2)      Proclaimed to be in the Old Testament

Daniel 9:25                     the Messiah

Zechariah 6:12,13          a Priest - King

Zechariah 9:9                 a Humble King

Zechariah 9:10               Who brings Peace

Malachi 3:1                    Messenger of the Covenant

Malachi 4:2                    Sun of righteousness

III   To Fulfill these Old Testament Promises to bring Messiah-Saviour, The Nation of Israel was Chosen

1)      Nehemiah 9:7              Abram chosen

                                    Cf  Genesis 12:1-3

                                    Acts 7:1-2

2)      Genesis 17:18-19        Isaac chosen - not Ishmael

3)      Psalm 135: 4                Jacob chosen, not Esau

                                                cf. Genesis 32:28, God named Jacob “Israel.”  Jacob the first Israelite.

4)      Psalm 78:68                 Judah was chosen, not Ephraim or other tribes

                                                cf Genesis 49:10

5)      2 Chronicles 6:6          David was chosen

                                                Cf 2 Kings 7:12

6)      Matthew 1:1                Jesus came as son of David , and Abraham

                                          cf  Luke 1:26-32

                                                Acts 2:24-32

7)      Re-cap

Abram  the root.  Romans 11:16

Jacob   the Nation

Judah   the Tribe

David   the Family.


Remember that Jesus was to come as the son of David after the flesh.


IV  Observe these facts:

            Matthew 2:4-6  The Scribes knew where Messiah would be born.

            Matthew 22:41-42  The Pharisees knew, He would be a son of David.

            Matthew 15:21-22  To call Jesus “Thou son of David” was an act of faith, based

on Old Testament knowledge.

V  Conclude

1.  These facts explain why there is so much in the Bible about Israel and the Jews

2..  Jews are news.  These people cannot be ignored.  The reason is plain.  It is because of their connection with Jesus the Christ, who also cannot be ignored.