The Two Advents of Jesus Christ

Old Testament Prophecy: Both Advents

Lesson IV

February 6, 2005



I         Introduction

1)      The first prophecy of Messiah’s Coming was made to Eve

Genesis 3:15

2)      That first prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus Christ came into this world

Galatians 4:4

II      The Major Purpose of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John is to Declare that the Promised Messiah had come to this earth

1)      Jeremiah 23:5  Matthew, the promised King

2)      Zechariah 3:8, Mark    the promised Servant

3)      Zechariah 6:12, Luke  the promised Man

4)      Jeremiah 23:6, John     the promised Lord

III   All Four Writers Connect Jesus Christ with Old Testament Scriptures

1)      Matthew 1:1                What do we know about David or Abraham without the Old Testament?

2)      Mark 1:1-2                  gospel of Jesus Christ, as it is written in the prophets (O.T.)

3)      Luke 1:1-5                   his wife of the daughters of Aaron, who is Aaron without the O.T.?

4)      John 1: 21-23              a direct quote from Isaiah 40:3

IV   Genealogies are found only in Matthew and Luke

1)      Matthew I:2 begins with Abraham connecting Jesus with the Hebrew Race

2)      Luke 3:38 ends with Adam connecting Jesus with the Human Race

3)      Mark has no genealogy, one is not needed for a servant

4)      John has no genealogy, none can be given for the Eternal Son of God

V      All four Writers Proclaim Jesus to be the King of the Jews

1)      Matthew 2:2, 27:37

2)      Mark 15: 2,12,18,26,32

3)      Luke 1:32-33 , 23:37-38

4)      John 1:49, 19:19-22, Acts 2:22-26

VI   When Jesus the Messiah Came

1.      He came through the Nation of Israel

Romans 9:1-5

Hebrews 2:16

Matthew 1:1

2.      He came to Israel.

Zechariah 9:9

Matthew 2:2

John 1:9-11

Matthew 15:24, cf Romans 15:8

3.      He came to the land of Israel.

Matthew 2:1-2

Luke 2:1-7

Matthew 3:13

Luke 4:16

Matthew 4:13

VIIThe First Coming was a literal fulfillment of Old Testament Scriptures

1.      Matthew 1:22

2.      Matthew 2:1-6

3.      Matthew 2:15

4.      Matthew 2:17

5.      Matthew 2:23