The Two Advents of Jesus Christ

Major Events of the First Advent

Lesson VI

February 20, 2005



I         Review

1)      We want to impress upon you that the First Advent of Jesus Christ was not one event but rather a series of events predicted in the Old Testament

2)      In the last lesson, two of these events were considered

a)      The first event of the First Advent was the birth of John the Baptist

b)      The next major event of the First Advent was the birth of Jesus Christ at Bethlehem.  It is important to remember that Jesus was born under the law (Galatians 4:4).  It is equally important to remember that as Christians, we are not under the law but under grace (Romans 6:14; Galatians 3:19,24; Romans 10:4; Romans 8:4; Galatians 5:1-4)

II      Other Events of the First Advent

1)      The Death of Christ - an event of the First Advent

a)      First in prophecy   Isaiah 53:7-12; Psalm 22

b)      Then in history      Luke 23:33, Calvary - a Latin word (only in Luke)

Matthew 27:33   Golgotha - Hebrew word (John 19:17)

Mark 15:22         Skull - a Greek word (cf John 19:20)

The three words all represent the same location

2)      The Resurrection of Christ - an event of the First Advent

a)      First in prophecy   Psalm 16:10

b)      Then in history      Acts 2:29-31; Matthew 28:6

3)      The Resurrected Christ returned to earth for 40 days, another event of the Advent

a)      Acts 1:3                 The history

b)      John 16:20-22       The prophecy


4)      The Final Ascension of Christ - another event of the First Advent

a)      First in prophecy   Psalm 68:18

b)      Then in history      Ephesians 4:8,10

Mark 16:19

Luke 24:50-53

5)      First Advent events concluded with Pentecost

a)      Luke 24:49            The prophecy of promise

b)      Acts 2:32-33         The fulfillment

c)      These events cover a period of almost 40 years.  No one event was the Advent, but all the events together make up the First Advent

6)      1 Timothy 3:16, a summary of First Advent events

a)      All events were in fulfillment of Scripture

b)      All events were literally fulfilled

c)      All events are now facts of history