The Two Advents of Jesus Christ

Contrast: First and Second Advents


Lesson XI

April 3, 2005




By the word “Advent,” we mean the Coming of Jesus Christ to this earth.  Without His Coming there would be no Christianity.

The First Advent: a historical event that took place over 2000 years ago.

The Second Advent: will be a historical event as literal as the First Advent.  Christ will come to earth again, 1 Timothy 1:15; cf Hebrews 1:6


I         The First Advent: Christ came in weakness to suffer

1 Peter 5:1

The Second Advent: Christ comes with power and great glory

Matthew 24:30

II      The First Advent: Christ came as the Saviour

Luke 2:8

Acts 13:23

Acts 4:12

The Second Advent: Christ comes as a Sovereign King

Matthew 25:31

III   The First Advent: was marked by a “Star”

Numbers 24:17

Matthew 2:2, 9-10

The Second Advent: will be marked by a “Sceptre” (Royal authority)

Numbers 24:17

Revelation 19:15

IV   The First Advent: brought the national fall of Israel

Luke 2:25-35; cf 1 Corinthians 1:23

Acts 4:11

The Second Advent: will bring Israel’s rising again

Luke 2:34

cf Romans 11:11-15

Romans 11:28-33

V      The First Advent: Christ came to bear the Cross

Philippians 2:5-8

The Second Advent: Christ comes to wear the Crown

Philippians 2:9-11

Hebrews 2:8

Zechariah 14:9

VI   The First Advent: Christ came to bring a sword

Matthew 10:32-36

Luke 12:51

John 15:18-21

John 16:33

John 14:27

World peace?  No.  Individual peace?  Yes

The Second Advent: Christ comes to bring World Peace

Isaiah 2:2-4

Isaiah 9:6-7

Isaiah 11:1-10

Isaiah 32:1, 17