The Two Advents of Jesus Christ

Contrast: First and Second Advents


Lesson XIII

April 17, 2005



I         The First Advent: Christ came to bring a sword

Matthew 10:32-36

Luke 12:51

John 15:18-21

John 16:33

John 14:27

World peace?  No.  Individual peace?  Yes

The Second Advent: Christ comes to bring world peace

Isaiah 2:2-4

Isaiah 9:6-7

Isaiah 11:1-10

Isaiah 32:1, 17

II      The First Advent: Christ came to establish His church

Matthew 16:18

Acts 2:47

Ephesians 1:22-23

The Second Advent: Christ comes to manifest His kingdom

1 Timothy 6:15

Romans 8:19-21

Matthew 6:10  The prayer “Thy kingdom come” will then be fulfilled


III   The First Advent: Christ came in veiled glory

John 1:14

1 Peter 1:11

The Second Advent: Christ comes in unveiled glory

Matthew 24:30

Ezekiel 43:2

Matthew 16:28 - 17:1-5

Luke 9:26-32

2 Peter 1:13-18