The Two Advents of Jesus Christ

Contrast: Rapture and Revelation


Lesson XV

May 1, 2005



There were two major aspects of Christ’s First Advent

Ř  Pre-Cross ministry

Ř  Post-Cross ministry for forty days Acts 1:3

There are two major aspects of Christ’s Second Advent

Ř  The Rapture of the Church

Ř  The Revelation of Christ

I         The norm of the doctrine of the Rapture

1)      1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

2)      Christians are warned not to be ignorant of certain doctrines

a         Romans 10:1-4            God’s provided righteousness

b        Romans 11:25             God’s plan for Israel

cf Proverbs 28:12

c         2 Peter 3:8                  a thousand years is as a day with the Lord

d        1 Thessalonians 4:13  the death of saints and Rapture of the Church

e         The Rapture has to do with a great company of people on earth, suddenly being taken to Heaven

The norm of the doctrine of the Revelation of Christ Revelation 19:11-16

a         Revelation 1:7

b        The Revelation has to do with a great company of people from Heaven coming back to earth

c         Revelation 19:1-6        There are people in Heaven

II                  At the time of the Rapture, Christ only comes to the air

            1 Thessalonians 4:17        caught up together

At the time of the Revelation, Christ returns to earth

            Zechariah 14:3,4

            Acts 1:10-11

III               At the time of the Rapture, Christ Comes for His saints

            John 14:1-3                       He receives us at death or at Rapture

At the time of the Revelation, Christ Comes with His saints

            Zechariah 14:5                  We will be included because at and from the time of our Rapture, we will be “forever with the Lord”

1 Thessalonians 4:17