Berean Bible Church

Bible Study Lesson XIII

Bible Prophecy - II

July 15, 2007



Our Text  2 Timothy 2:15   Study….the Word of Truth


I  Bible history, geography and prophecy are often woven together

            We should learn by this that one subject is not less literal than the other


II  Example one

            Jonah 1:1-2  here is an example of history and prophecy together

            Matthew 12:40   as Jonas  was…that is history

                                       So shall  the son of man be - prophecy       

III  Example two

            Acts 1:9-10   as they beheld He was taken up into Heaven –history

            Acts 1:11     shall so come.  That is prophecy

            Acts 1:12    Jerusalem, the Mount of Olives-  geography


IV  Example three

Zechariah 14:1-2    prophecy-  the day of the Lord cometh cf Zephaniah 1:14-15

               the Lord gathers all nations against


                                             prophecy  -  half of the city shall be taken captive

            Zechariah 14:3        prophecy – then shall the Lord go forth and fight

                                             History   -  as  He fought in other battles

                                    Cf.    Exodus 14:13,14, 24-25,29  He fights for Israel

                                             Deuteronomy 1:30  The Lord shall fight for you

                                             Joshua 10-11,14  Strange things took place

                                             Joshua 10:42   again the Lord fought

                                             2 Chronicles 14: 11-15  The Lord smote

                                             2 Chronicles 20:17 21 25  29   The Lord fought

            Zechariah 14:4   prophecy-  his feet shall stand

                                        geography  -on the Mount of Olives  etc.

            Zechariah 14:5    history  and ye shall flee as ye fled, like as ye fled


V  Example Four

            Jeremiah 16:14   history-  the Lord brought Israel

    geography -out of Egypt

            Jeremiah 16:16   prophecy and geography


VI  Conclusion

            We will best understand and interpret Bible prophecy when we see the connection with history.  Prophecy is of such a nature than only God can fulfill it.