Berean Bible Church

Bible Study Lesson XIV

Prophecies of Messiah

Prophecy- III

July 22, 2007


Text  2 Timothy 2:15  -  Study…….the Word of Truth


I  There are Three Primary Subjects in Bible Prophecy


            1)  Prophecies regarding Jesus , the promised Messiah

            2)  Prophecies regarding Jews , the  people of the Nation of Israel

            3)  Prophecies regarding Jerusalem, the city of the Great King


II  Some Prophecies regarding Jesus the Christ who is the Messiah


            Deuteronomy 18:15  To Moses, a prophet, a seed who will be a Greater Prophet

            is promised.

            1 Samuel 2:35   To Eli, a priest, a seed is promised who will be a Greater Priest.

            2 Samuel 7:12   To David, a king, a seed is promised who will be the Great King


III  When Jesus Came over 2000 years ago:


            John 9:17  He was recognized by some as the Prophet, to Reveal

            Luke 2:36-38  Anna recognized him as the Priest who would Redeem

            John 1:45-49   Nathaniel recognized Him as the King who would Reign


IV   The Order of the Prophecies is the Order of the Fulfillments

1)      Hebrews 9:26  He hath appeared to put away sin.

            John 4:19,25, 26,29  He was recognized as the prophet by what He said.

            John 6:14   He was recognized as the prophet by what He did

            John 8:40-46  He was recognized as the prophet by how He spoke


2)      Hebrews 9:24  Now He appears in Heaven for us

            Hebrews 3:1  Consider the High Priest of our profession

            Hebrews 8:1-6  We have such a High Priest, A more excellent ministry

            The great theme of the Book of Hebrews is the present High Priestly Ministry of               Jesus Christ on our behalf.  Cf  Hebrews 7:25


            3) Hebrews 9:28   He shall appear the second time to show Himself as King

            John 18:37-39  Jesus said  unto Pilate that He was king

            1 Timothy 6:13-15  When He returns He will show Himself to be King

            Revelation 19:11  His Name will be there for all to see  cf  Revelation 1:7