Berean Bible Church

Bible Study- Lesson XVII

Bible Prophecy-History-Typology

Prophecy Lesson VI

August 12, 2007


Text 2 Timothy 2:15  Study…..the Word of Truth

Bible prophecy that becomes Bible history, then becomes typical prophecy.

Example One

            Prophecy- Joshua 1:1-4  Joshua will posses the land of Israel

            History- the Book of Joshua.  Enters, conquers, divides the land

Prophetic type:  Greater One than Joshua will come to the land

            Ezekiel 47: 13-19 Israel shall inherit the land. north, east, south and west borders

            Ezekiel 48: 1-35  How the division will be made is given in detail

            Matthew 19:27-28  This land division is necessary to fulfill a promise of Jesus

Thus the prophecy made to Joshua became history and thus typical prophecy.


Example two

            Prophecy  2 Samuel 7:12  David’s seed will occupy David’s throne

            History     2 Chronicles 6:10  Solomon the ‘great’ sat on David’s throne.

Prophetic Type    1 Chronicles 29:23  That Throne is to be the Lord’s throne

                            Luke 1:32-33  give unto Him the throne of his father David

                             Acts 2:30   to be raised up to sit on David’s throne.

That is why the disciples asked Jesus the question in Acts 1:6

But , the prophecy made to David , became history, the history a type of  what Christ will yet do.

Example three

            Prophecy   Jeremiah 25:11  Israel to be taken captive to Babylon

                              Jeremiah 29:10  a remnant would return from captivity

                              Daniel 9:25  the street and the wall rebuilt in time of trouble

            History      2 Chronicles 36:17-20  the history of the captivity is recorded

                              Ezra & Nehemiah tell the story of the return and rebuilding

Prophetic Type      Jeremiah 30:3   I will bring again…to the land  

      Jeremiah 31: 7-12  He who scattered-will gather and keep Jacob

      Acts 15:16-18   I will return.   .I will build again

The prophecies that have been fulfilled become types and shadows of prophecies yet to be fulfilled.  Prophecy becoming history made the history typical.  It makes me ask:  Will all fulfilled prophecy be a shadow of that which is to come?  See  Hebrews 9:24


II  The major purpose of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John  is to prove that Christ’s First Coming fulfilled Old Testament Scripture

            Matthew 1:22   that it might be fulfilled  see Isaiah 7:14

            Matthew 2:15   that it might be fulfilled       Hosea 11:1

            Matthew 2:17- 18   then was fulfilled            Jeremiah 31:15   

            Matthew 2:5-6  the place of Christ birth fulfilled Scripture   Micah 5:2