Berean Bible Church

Bible Study - II

Lesson VI

May 27, 2007



Text.  2 Timothy 2:15  Study…. The Word of Truth


That we should study the Bible is God’s command, it is not my idea.


Malachi 2:1-2  a very serious ‘promise’ to Israel.  If He cursed Israel’s blessings, could He not do the same for the Church?


Perhaps this is the reason God has allowed so many attacks against the Bible, that in turn, have turned people away from Bible study.


What was intended to be the greatest blessing has become the source of the greatest curse.  It is a most serious sin to reject or neglect the Bible.


1        To study the Bible is to see the hand of God:


1 In  Creation  Genesis 1:1  God created

            John 1:3  all was made by Him


            2  In a Nation  2 Kings 17:34  whom He (God) named Israel


            3  In a Person   Galatians 4:4  God sent forth His Son


            4  In a Church   Acts 20:28  the church of God


     II  To study the Bible is to study history.


1        Bible history is literal, or it is not history

1 Corinthians 10:11  all these things happened

Romans 15:4  all written for our learning


2        Bible history, as is all history, is linked together

So much so, that to accept part is to accept all.

John 5:46-47   If one does not believe Moses, one will not believe Christ


3        Old Testament history is primarily about the Jews and the Nation of Israel.

Genesis 15:18  it is about people connected with a specific land

Daniel 9:25-26  people from whom would come a Messiah


4        New Testament history is primarily about Jesus Christ

Matthew 1:1  the book of the generation  of Jesus Christ