Berean bible Church

Bible Study III

Lesson VII

June 03, 2007



Text 2 Timothy 2:15  Study…..the Word of Truth


I   The history of Jesus Christ in the New Testament is connected with the Nation of Israel, the people most often named in the Old Testament.

Matthew 1:1   the son of David (therefore a King by natural birth), the son of Abraham (therefore of the Hebrew race  Genesis 14:13)

Hebrews 2:16  the seed of Abraham

Romans 9:1-5  the seed of Israel

Hebrews 7:14   the tribe of Judah

Romans 1:3    the seed (family) of David

So Jesus came into this world through One Nation, One Tribe and One family.


II  The History of Jesus Christ is connected with the same geography as  Israel

    To study history is also to study geography.

            Matthew 2:1-3  Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea

Matthew 2:13  baby Jesus was taken to Egypt.  Beginning at Genesis 37:28 to        Genesis 50:26,  Egypt is named well over thirty times. No one changes  the original Bible use of the word “Egypt” even though it is used as a type of the world. Egypt” remains “Egypt”.  Why not let “IsraelremainIsrael”?

I would ask anyone to read these chapters in Genesis then answer the question: Do these chapters not sound like real history?  What are the real facts of human life as we know it?  Birth of babies after their kind, life of people as people. death of people and burial of their bodies.  We never really face life until we face death.


III  The events of the years of Jesus life on earth are all linked with geography

            Matthew 2:23  his home with Mary and   Joseph was Nazareth

.           Luke 2:45-46  He was often in Jerusalem and in the temple there

            Matthew 3:15-17  He was baptized in river Jordon

            Matthew 3:1, 4:1  He was tempted of the Devil in the wilderness of Judea

            Matthew 4:13  After that He dwelt in Capernaum

            Matthew 4:18-22 He was walking by the Sea of Galilee, when he called four men

            Matthew 8:14  At Peter’s house in Capernaum, He healed Peter’s wife’s mother

            Matthew 14:25  Jesus walked on the water of the sea of Galilee

            Luke 19:1  He entered Jericho

            John 4:3-5  He left Judaea and must needs go through Samaria

            John 12:1  He was often in Bethany, the home of Mary and Martha & Lazarus

            Matthew 26: 36  He prayed in the garden of Gethsemane

            Luke 23:33  at a place called Calvary, He was crucified

            Acts 1:10-12  He ascended to Heaven from the mount called Olivet