Berean Bible Church

Bible Study  VI

Bible History is about Human Life

June 24, 2007


Text-  2 Timothy 2:15  Study….the Word of Truth


Review  Bible History

1.      Bible history is literal history

2.      Bible history is linked history

3.      Bible history is often prophecy fulfilled


I  Bible History is also about human life.

            We may consider the stories as case histories of Adam, Eve, Noah  and so on.


II  What is the most important thing one can do in this life?

            Hebrews 11:6  gives us the answer:  have faith

            Ephesians 1:15  not any faith, or every faith, but faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

            Romans 1:8  Paul thanked God for the faith of the Romans

            1 Timothy 1:3-5  Paul thanked God for Timothy’s genuine faith


III  Hebrews Eleven describes what genuine, saving  faith, is and does.


            Hebrews 11:3  Saving  faith believes God is Creator.  Genesis 1:1


            Hebrews 11:4  Saving faith believes in a God of Salvation, by shed blood.


            Hebrews 11:5  Saving faith makes one want to please God


            Hebrews 11:7  Saving faith  wants to see the  family saved


            Hebrews 11:8  Abraham’s  faith was counted  to him for righteousness

                        Cf  Romans 4:1-5, 4:21-25


            Hebrews 11:11  by  faith Sarah received strength to do the impossible


            Hebrews 11:20  because of his faith Isaac blessed  his sons, Jacob and Esau.


            Hebrews 11:21  because of faith Jacob blessed Joseph’s sons, when dying


            Hebrews 11:22  Joseph’s faith was manifest when he was dying


            Hebrews 11:23-27   because of faith, Moses parents hid him in the river

            And Moses ,refused, choosing, esteemed, forsook and endured