Berean Bible Church

Lesson VII

Bible History filled with Typology

July 1, 2007


Text:  2 Timothy 2:15  Study…..the Word of Truth

            Hebrews 4:12   The Bible is the Word of God

            John 17:17        Therefore it must be the Word of Truth

            Titus 2:2            Because God cannot lie

I  The Bible is filled with history  (His- story)

            The history is literal, linked, often fulfilled prophecy , about human life, and the

            history is often typical.

II  Definition of a Type

A type is a Divinely purposed illustration of truth.  It is the only true spiritualization of any Scripture.

III  A major type in the Book of Genesis

            Genesis 44:18-34   We see Judah as the surety and intercessor

            Hebrews 7:22  Jesus is our Surety, responsible to get us home

            Hebrews 7:25  Jesus lives to make intercession for us

                                    Cf  Romans 8:34

IV  A type in the Book of Exodus

            Exodus 12:12,13  the blood of the Passover lamb

            1 Corinthians 5:7 Christ is our Passover

            John 1:29             Christ is our Lamb that was slain

 V.. A type in the Book of Leviticus 

            The Feasts of the Lord in Leviticus chapter 23

The first four typical  of events at the time of the First Coming of Christ

            Leviticus 23: 4,5   the feast of Passover   

                        1 Corinthians 5:7  a type of the Cross

            Leviticus 23:6  a memorial feast

                        1 Corinthians 5:8  a type of the fellowship produced by the cross.

            Leviticus 23:10-11 the feast of First fruits

                        1 Corinthians 15:20  a type of the resurrection of Christ

            Leviticus 23:15-17  a feast on the 50th day after firstfruits

                        Acts 2:1  a type of the day of Pentecost

The last three feasts are types of events at the time of the Second Coming of Christ

            Leviticus 23:24   the feast of blowing of trumpets

                        Matthew 24:31  this will bring about the final re-gathering of Israel

            Leviticus 23: 27   the feast of atonement

                        Romans 11:26  the Nation will be saved in one day

            Leviticus 23:34    the feast of Tabernacles

                        Zechariah 14:16   cannot be fulfilled until the King returns.

VI  A type in the Book of Numbers

            Numbers 21:5-9  the serpent on a pole

John 3:14-15   a type of Christ on the cross, made sin and victor over Satan

 Cf   Isaiah 45:22  Look and live!`