Berean  Bible Church

Facts about the Bible

Lesson XII


June 21, 2009


Review  We have considered the Bible as a Divine Revelation

                                                The Bible given by Divine Inspiration

                                                 The Bible needing Divine Interpretation

                                                 Only possible by Divine  Illumination


I  Definition of the word “Illumination”

            “Illumination is the throwing of the light of understanding on that which is written

in Scripture.. It is an act of the Holy Spirit.  He who caused men to write is able to give men power to understand that which is written.”


II  Perhaps the best illustration of illumination is found in Luke

            Luke 24: 32  Jesus “opened the Scriptures”

            Luke 24: 45  Jesus “opened their understanding”


III  The unbeliever

a.      is in Spiritual Darkness

Colossians 1:13  believer is delivered from the power of darkness

2 Corinthians 4: 3,4  blinded minds

Ephesians 2:1  dead—dead men can’t see

1 Corinthians 2:14  the things of God are spiritually discerned

            b.  When convicted by the Holy Spirit he is temporarily illuminated

                 John 16:8-11 read it again

                 John 1:9  light that lighteth every man.

                 This light comes to every person sometime in life. God alone illuminates

 c.  Our responsibility is to preach the gospel

     Mark 16:15  go- preach

    1 Corinthians 9:16  woe- if I preach not


IV  The Believer and illumination

             a)  a believer is no longer in darkness

                Acts 26:16-18 turn from darkness to light

               Ephesians 5:8  we were

               1 Thessalonians 5:4-5  not in darkness

             b)  a believer is responsible to walk in the light

                1 John 1:1-6  read carefully

             c)  as we walk in the light more light is given 

                Ephesians 5:14  Christ will give light

                Ephesians 1:16-19  mark verse 18

             d)  a believer has in the Holy Spirit, a Guide, Teacher and Revealer

                John 14:26   He shall teach

                John 16:12-15  He shall guide into truth

                1 Corinthians 2:9-12  the subject is not Heaven