about the Bible
Divine Revelation
March 29, 2009
Men die as unbelievers because
they have taken for granted that the Bible is false.
We accept the statement that “the Bible is a Divine Revelation”.
“Revelation” may be defined as “a
supernatural communication from God to man”
“Revelation” is a discovery by God, to man, of Himself
Many have said that the Old
Testament is the Hebrews conception of God. That position is absolutely false.
The Bible is God’s revelation to man, in no way is it
man’s conception of God. Many reject it
without having read it.
I It is because we
accept the Bible as Divine Revelation, we, therefore, reject the position of
the extreme modern rationalism
In the 18-19 centuries such were
called “Moderates”
the 19-20 centuries such were known as “Modernists”
in the 20-21 centuries we have the “Neo-Evangelicals”
in one way or another, subtract from the Bible
II It is because we accept the Bible as a Divine Revelation we reject
the various false mysticisms that add
to the Bible
2:18 give Christ His place, and other things
will be found out of place
Revelation 22:18 all
additions are to be rejected
Galatians 1:6-9 these are sobering words
III It is because we accept the Bible as a Divine Revelation we reject
the position of the Roman Catholic Church in their acceptance of the authority
of the Pope and the Church.
Proverbs 30:5-6 every word is pure
Psalm 119:160 true from the very first word
Deuteronomy 5:32 keep in the middle of
the road
Deuteronomy 17:14-20 instructions
to a king
Deuteronomy 28:14 that is good
instruction even for today
Joshua 1:7 turn
to no other word
Joshua 23:6-8 don’t
turn aside
Proverbs 4:18-27 sound
Isaiah8:20 very sobering words to heed
IV To depart, in any way, from the Bible is to be without a foundation
for one’s Christian faith.
The Bible and its Christ are our firm foundation