Berean Bible Church

Facts about the Bible

Lesson IV

Given by Divine Inspiration

Date April 5, 2009



We believe the Bible to be a Divine Revelation, given by Divine Inspiration, and that it needs Divine Interpretation, made possible only by Divine Illumination.


I  Why another lesson on Divine Inspiration?

            This subject needs to be dealt with because it is under question by our generation

            Now it is under question by many evangelical churches

            Is the Bible trustworthy?  Remember, no writings today are being inspire as the

            WORDS of Holy Scripture were inspired.

            “Revelation” has to do with what the Bible is.

            “Inspiration” has to do with how the Bible came into being


II  We list the major Scriptures related to this subject

            2 Timothy 3:16,17 do we really believe these words?

            Hebrews 1:1-2  God spake by the prophets and by His Son

            Hebrews 2:3  words spoken by the Lord, confirmed by them that heard Him

1 Peter 1:10,11 the prophets searched the words they had written by the Spirit

2 Peter 1:19-21  spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost

2 Samuel 23:1-2  the Spirit of the Lord spake by me

1 Chronicles 28:19  writing by his hand upon me

Ephesians 6:17  The Word is the only sword of the Spirit

the “word of the Lord” in Jeremiah (beginning  1:4) and Ezekiel beginning 1:3..

III  It is this Inspiration that gives the Bible Authority

            1  If the Bible is not inspired all reason for believing in Bible authority is gone.

2. Those who do not believe that the Bible is inspired soon add “the Bible is partly true and partly false”.

3. This places the Bible on the same level as all other books ,for all books contain some truth

4  Without inspiration the Bible becomes a dead book. See Hebrews 4:12

5.  Without inspiration the Bible would not have survived the centuries

6.  Without inspiration the lives of men and women would not have been

    transformed by it

7  Quote Wycliffe

“There is a spirit in the Bible, which if it gets into men

  Makes tall of soul

  Tender in heart

  Just, gentle, patient, strong

  faithful and fearless”