Berean Bible Church

Facts about the Bible

Lesson V

Divine Interpretation

April 19, 2009



The Bible is a divine Revelation

 It was given by divine Inspiration

 It requires divine Interpretation

 Made possible by divine Illumination

Text  Psalm 119:33-34

Before we begin to interpret Scripture we must remember :


I  The Bible came from a Holy God

            Isaiah 6:2-3  holy, holy, holy

            Revelation 15:4  Thou only art holy

            The basic meaning of the word “holy” is “set-apart”

            1 Chronicles 16:26  all other gods are idols

            I John 5:21  keep from idols  cf  1 Corinthians 10:20

II  The Bible was written by Holy men

            2 Peter 1:21  holy men- 

            Acts 3:21    holy prophets

            Men “set-apart” by God

III  The Bible writers were moved by the Holy Ghost

            2 Peter 1:21

            The Holy Spirit being “set-apart” from all other spirits

IV  The Bible, therefore, is Holy Scripture

            Romans 1:2- Holy Scriptures

On the cover of your Bible are the words “Holy Bible  No other book can rightly claim that title.

V  The Bible, primarily, concerns Jesus Christ

            Romans 1:1-3   gospel concerning Jesus Christ

Luke 24:25-27 Scriptures concerning Him

Only as one accepts the Christ of Scripture will one interpret Scripture aright, and only then will one receive Divine illumination  ( that is , “light”)

VI  To study and interpret the Bible is to study three major subjects:

            1,  History- study Bible history as being true history

            2.  Geography -  observe and study the geography

            3..  Prophecy - to neglect Bible prophecy is to neglect much in the Book

VII Conclusion

            Such a detailed study will lead one to see that the literal, pre-millennial, dispensational approach to Scripture study is the only basic study that helps one understand and apply all Scripture.