Berean Bible Church

Facts about the Bible

Lesson VIII

More about Interpretation – II

May 24, 2009


Last Sunday we gave personal testimony, how the Lord has led us to interpret Scripture.

(I am presenting the results of my personal experience in the study of the Bible)


I  I have learned that Bible history is linked history  (chained together)

To illustrate we looked at the record of Israel’s coming out of Egypt.  Why is this event repeated throughout the Bible?  (in that way, linking the Bible together).  I read twelve reasons, and have been asked to put them in writing.

1.      Because the Passover lamb typifies Christ.  1 Corinthians 5:7

2.      Because it pictures the work of redemption.  Colossians 1:14 ( by blood)

3.      Because it pictures a sinner being delivered from sin’s bondage and slavery. Romans 6:17-18

4.      Because it was a work totally of God  Romans 5:6  (2 Corinthians 5:17-18)

5.      Because it had nothing to do with what Israel did, but all to do with what God did.

Exodus 14:13

6        Because it is one of the great measuring sticks of the power of God  Ephesians 1:19-20

7        Because it pictures the believer’s citizenship being changed from the Egypt of this world to that of a citizen of Heaven  Philippians 3:20

8        Because it pictures the believer moving from the land of death to the land of the living  Ephesians 2:1

9        Because it pictures God’s victory over His enemies.  Colossians 2:15

10    Because the passage through the sea pictures death and resurrection. Colossians 2:12, 3:1

11    Because it pictures how God fights for His people  Romans 8:31

12    Because it pictures Israel’s great future.  Jeremiah 16:14-15,  Micah 7:15-17


We used three words about Bible history: it is I linked, II literal and III about life


IV  I have learned that Bible history is also linked with geography.

There is no genuine history apart from geography.  History is the record of events that have taken place at definite geographical locations.

Genesis 2:14   have you heard of the Euphrates?

Genesis 15:18  Euphrates and Egypt

Matthew 2:1-2 history and geography

Revelation1:11  the sites of seven Churches can still be seen today


V  I have learned that Bible history and geography are linked with Bible prophecy

      Jeremiah 16:14-15   the three subjects are here

      Zechariah 14:4-5      the three subject are here

      Acts 1:10-11              the three subjects are here