The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

From Adam to Noah

Lesson X

July 24, 2005



I         The second period of human history

1)      Began when God in grace clothed Adam and Eve

Genesis 3:21 God made coats of skins

2)      Man now has a conscience knowing good and evil

Genesis 3:22 God tells us so

II      We know that all men know three basic facts

Romans 1:19 all know that God is

Romans 1:20 all know God is powerful

Romans 1:32 all know they will be judged

III   We are introduced to Cain and Abel

1)      Genesis 4:1-8 both were sinners and they knew it and both needed altars and knew it

2)      Exodus 20:23-26 later Israel received instruction regarding building altars

3)      Luke 16:14-15; Matthew 6:1-7 Jesus gave instruction regarding worship

IV   Genesis chapter four: Cain’s family tree

1)      Examples of men without faith

Genesis 4:8 the first murder

2)      Examples of men without faith prospering in the world

Genesis 4:16-24

V      Genesis chapter five: Seth’s family tree

1)      Seth appointed to take Abel’s place

Genesis 4:25-26 these verses make the link

2)      This chapter is a record of men with faith

Genesis 5:4 Adam lived 800 years after Seth was born...died

Genesis 5:6-8 Seth lived, begat sons and daughters…died

3)      One man did not die

Genesis 5:21-24 all know about Enoch

4)      2 Thessalonians 3:2 the New Testament teaches all have not faith

VI   Genesis chapter six: now total human failure

Genesis 6:1 men began to multiply

Genesis 6:2 sons of God marry the daughters of men

Genesis 6:5 God saw wickedness

Genesis 6:11 the earth was corrupt

Genesis 6:13 the earth was filled with violence

VIIThis history is connected with Bible prophecy

Matthew 24:37-39 but as the days of Noe

Luke 17:26, 27 as in the days of Noe