The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

Sodom and the Flood

Lesson XII

August 6, 2005


I         Review

Jesus said the days before He returns will be like the days before the flood

Matthew 24:37-39 as it was so shall it be

Genesis 6:1 population multiplied - as it was so shall it be

Genesis 6:2 invasion of fallen angels - as it was so shall it be

Genesis 6:5 wickedness - as it was so shall it be

Genesis 6:11 the earth corrupt - as it was so shall it be

Genesis 6:11, 13 the earth filled with violence - as it was so shall it be

II      Jesus also said the days before He comes will be as the days of Lot

Luke 17:28-30 thus it shall be

Genesis 13:13 wicked - thus it shall be

Genesis 19:1-16 wickedness described - thus it shall be

Genesis 19:24 fire and brimstone - thus it shall be cf 2Thessalonians 1:7

Countries cannot let morals slide without an increase of violence.  Watch violence increase in Canada and the world!

III   The steps that lead to violence Romans 1:21-31

1)      Men who knew God glorified Him not as God

Romans 1:21 glorified him not

Daniel 5:23 thou hast not glorified

2)      Neither were thankful

Romans 1:21 men were not thankful

Ephesians 5:20 thanks for all things

3)      Became vain in their imaginations

Romans 1:21 vain imaginations

Genesis 6:5 every imagination before the flood

Genesis 8:21 every imagination after the flood

4)      Professing to be wise, they became fools

Romans 1:22 professors!

            James 3:15 wisdom, not from above

5)      Then they became idolaters

Romans 1:23 from man to creeping things

            Colossians 3:5 what is our Nation?

6)      Then immorality

Romans 1:23-28 a long list

Ezekiel 16:49-50 like Sodom

7)      Then murder and other forms of violence

Romans 1:29-31 read the list

To teach “self-worth” and “self-esteem” to wicked men can only increase more wickedness; in turn, it will produce more violence Matthew 24:12