The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

Dispensational Types

Part I

Lesson XIII

August 14, 2005



Subject: Dispensational Typology

In typology, a story is recorded in the Bible that is far reaching in its implications.  The story, although it may be wonderful in itself, points forward to an event far greater and more wonderful yet to come.  For this lesson it is necessary to repeat some facts already stated in other lessons so that together we can see a picture of events, certainly planned by God and not by man.

I         Adam, the first type of Christ in the Bible

Romans 5:14 Adam- a figure

Luke 24:27 in all the Scriptures

II      Eve, the first type of the Church in the Bible

Genesis 2:22-24 bone of my bones

Ephesians 5:20-32 and of his bones

III   Enoch, the first type of the Rapture in the Bible

Genesis 5:24 God took him

Hebrews 11:5 He did not die

It happened before the flood

1 Thessalonians 4:17 the Church to be Raptured

IV   Methuselah, the first type of the patience of God in the Bible

Genesis 5:21 son of Enoch

Genesis 5:27 longest life

He died in 1656, the year of the flood

His name means “he shall not see it”

1 Peter 3:20 the longsuffering of God waited

2 Peter 3:9 not willing any should perish


V      The Flood, the first type of the Great Tribulation in the Bible

Genesis 7:11-12 the flood came

Genesis 7:19-24 it was world-wide

Zephaniah 1:14-15 was a day of the Lord

1 Thessalonians 5:2 another day of the Lord is yet to come

Matthew 24:21-22 Jesus called it “great tribulation”

VI   Noah and his family saved, the first type of those saved during the Tribulation

Genesis 7:7 Noah went into the ark

Hebrews 11:7 his house, saved

Revelation 7:14 these came out of great tribulation

Enoch was taken before the flood, we believe the Church will be taken before the Great Tribulation.

Noah was saved during the days of the flood, he came through it!  So there will be those who will be miraculously saved in the tribulation

VII      The Antediluvians, the first type of the ungodly who will be taken in death by the sudden return of Christ

2 Peter 2:5 taken by flood

2 Thessalonians 1:8 taken by fire

Luke 17:24-37 bed, at mill, in the field

Matthew 24: 39-44 not taking of the saved

The eagles? Job 39:27-30