The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

Noah in the Ark

Lesson XV

August 28, 2005



I         The Flood, a Judgment from God, ended the Second Dispensation

1)      God predicted the flood

Genesis 6:17 it was prophecy before it became history

2)      God produced the flood

Genesis 7:11-12 from God, not the Devil

Genesis 8:9 note the words “the whole earth”

3)      God preserved a remnant of His creation

Genesis 7:1 come in

Genesis 7:4 yet seven days - then rain

Matthew 24:38-39 Noah was in the ark for one week, no one noticed

II      The Grace of God allowed a third dispensation

1)      Grace gave Noah the plan of the ark

Genesis 6:14 God said, make an ark

2)      God invited Noah into the ark and shut the door

Genesis 7:1 come in

Genesis 7:16 the Lord shut him in

III   In Grace, the flood waters cleansed the earth

1)      There will never be another world-wide flood

Genesis 9:11 never again will a flood destroy the earth

2)      There will be another cleansing

Matthew 19:28 a regeneration

Acts 1:6 a restoration

Acts 3:21 a restitution

Romans 8:22 deliverance of creation

IV   In Grace, God made promises regarding the earth

1)      There will be seed time and harvest

Genesis 8:22

2)      Rainbow will appear

Genesis 9:11-16 the bow in the cloud

Revelation 4:3 God is faithful