The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

Abraham's Seed

Lesson XXI

October 30, 2005



I         After Lot separates from Abram, God renews his promises to Abram

Genesis 13:14 after that lot was separated

Genesis 13:15 all the land will I give thy seed for ever

Genesis 13:16 I will make thy seed as the dust

Genesis 13:17 the land I will give

Genesis 13:18 Abram dwells at Hebron

II      Then God makes a covenant with Abram, gives the borders of the land

Genesis 15:7 I brought you out of Ur, to give thee this land

Genesis 15:8 Abram asks, “Whereby shall I know”

Genesis 15:13 know of a surety

Genesis 15:9-11 know on the basis of the sacrifice

Genesis 15:12 while Abram is in a deep sleep

Genesis 15:17 a burning lamp passes between the pieces of the sacrifice

Jeremiah 34:18-20 they cut the calf in twain and passed between the parts

This is how a covenant was made

Genesis 15:18-21 the Lord made a covenant with Abram

Judges 2:1 I will never break my covenant with you

Psalm 105:6-12 he hath remembered His covenant

III   Abram became the firstfruit and root of the Nation of Israel

Romans 11:16 “firstfruit,” “root”

Genesis 17:1-8 the father of many nations

Abram and Isaac may rightly be called Hebrews (Genesis 14:13) but not Israelites

Genesis 32:28 Jacob was the first Israelite

IV   Abram’s seed is at least three-fold

1)      Isaiah 41:8 Israel- Jacob the seed of Abraham

Psalm 105:6 seed of Abraham - children of Jacob

2)      Galatians 3:16 Christ is also Abraham’s seed

3)      Galatians 3:2; Romans 4:9-11 Abraham’s seed includes all believers

Because the Church is also Abraham’s seed, that does not mean we have replaced Israel.  We are additional seed.