The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

The Patriarch’s Failures

Lesson XXII

November 6, 2005



I         The Promised gift of the land was given to Abram, Isaac and Jacob

To Abram

Genesis 12:7 will I give this land

To Isaac

Genesis 17:19 I will establish my covenant with him

Genesis 26:2 dwell in the land

Genesis 26:3 sojourn in the land, I will be with thee

To Jacob

Genesis 28:12-13 land will I give

Genesis 35:1 go to Bethel—dwell there

Genesis 35:12 the land I gave Abraham, and Isaac, to thee I will give it

Genesis 37:1 Jacob dwelt in the land

II      These promises were all acts of grace

Deuteronomy 7:6-8 chosen because of God, not Israel

III   Reading the Promises we learn that God’s perfect will for Abram, Isaac and Jacob was that they dwell in the land.  There God would bless them.

Genesis 31:3 return unto the land and I will be with thee

1 Kings 17:3,4 feed thee there

1 Kings 17:7-9 sustain thee there

IV   ALL the Patriarch’s failed


Genesis 12:10 down into Egypt

Genesis 13:1 up out of Egypt

Genesis 20:1-7 to Gerar and lies about Sarah


Genesis 26:1-7 to Gerar and lies like his father

Genesis 26:23 up to Beersheba


Genesis 31:3 returns to the land he had left

Genesis 47:1,27 moves to Egypt

V      Judgment fell upon the Nation for the disobedience of the Patriarchs

Exodus 2:33-35 sighed by reason of the bondage

Genesis 15:13,14 foretold by God that the bondage would be for 400 years

Exodus 12: 40-41 the self same day they were delivered

VI   The lesson in all this is:

1        The lapse of faith on the part of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob may be likened to a believer breaking fellowship with His Lord (not relationship)

2        1 John 1:5-7 when we walk in the light we have fellowship

3        If we break fellowship, we may end up in spiritual bondage