The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

The Age of Law Begins

Lesson XXIII

November 13, 2005



I         Introduction to the Book of Exodus

1)      Exodus 1:1 children of Israel in Egypt

They are the household of Jacob

2)      Exodus 1:7-14 The children of Israel in bondage in Egypt

cf Isaiah 52:4 my people

3)      The story of Exodus deals primarily with the people of Israel

4)      Gentiles are only mentioned as they touch Israel

II      God comes down in grace and raises up Moses

1)      Exodus 2:1-10 Moses birth

Cared for by Pharaoh’s daughter

2)      Exodus 2:11-15 Moses blunder

Acts 7:17-30

Psalm 76:10

3)      Exodus 2:21-25 God had not forgotten his people Israel

4)      Exodus 3:1 Moses is sent to God’s school

Acts 7:22 he was learned in all the wisdom of Egypt

Genesis 46:3 to be a shepherd was the lowest task in Egypt

To prepare Moses for his life’s work, God sends him to the backside of the desert to herd sheep, to humble him?

III   At the burning bush God calls and commissions Moses

1)      Exodus 3:2-3 The Lord kindles a fire to get the attention of Moses

How severe does He have to be to capture our attention?

2)      Exodus 3:4-15 the commission

Later Exodus 33:15 If thy presence go not with me carry me not hence