The Plan of the Age

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

God’s Acts of Grace in Exodus

Part I

Lesson XXIV

November 20, 2005



I         God in grace to Israel, calls Moses

1)      Exodus 3:1-10 at the backside of the desert

2)      Exodus 3:2-3 The Lord made Moses turn aside to see

II      God in grace to Israel , commissions Moses

1)      Exodus 3:4-9

Notice that God calls Moses for Israel’s sake

2)      Exodus 3:10-12 God sends Moses and promises to be with him

3)      Exodus 3:13-22

a         Verse 15 my name forever

b        Verse 17 I will bring you up out of Egypt

c         Verse 20 I will smite Egypt (for Israel’s sake)

d        Verses 21-22 they will spoil the Egyptians and receive back pay for their forced labour

III   God in grace for Israel’s sake, sends judgments upon Egypt

1)      Exodus 7:20 turns the water of the river to blood

2)      Exodus 8:5 he sends frogs into the land

3)      Exodus 8:16-19 the dust becomes lice

4)      Exodus 8:21-24 then he sends flies

5)      Exodus 9:6 the Egyptian cattle die

6)      Exodus 9:8-11 he puts boils on the Egyptians

7)      Exodus 9:18-24 he sends hail “none is like it”

8)      Exodus 10:12-15 he send locusts into Egypt

9)      Exodus 10:21-23 a thick darkness for three days

10)  Exodus 11:8 the first born in every house of the Egyptians dies.

These judgments are types of the judgments God will send on the whole world in the Great Tribulation.  They too will be God acting for His people Israel.

cf Daniel 12:1, Matthew 24:21, Revelation 16:10, Revelation 16:18, etc.

IV   God in grace gave Israel the Passover lamb

1)      Exodus 12:1-13, 27

2)      Israel was saved by the blood of the Lamb in Egypt

V      God in grace with a strong arm opened the Red Sea for Israel

1)      Exodus 14:13-14 this was his promise

2)      Exodus 14:21-31 this was his provision.

Chapter 12, Israel was saved by the blood

Chapter 14, Israel was saved by God’s power