Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

Failure Brings Captivity

Part I

Lesson XXVII

December 18, 2005



I         Review

Exodus 20:1-3 the law was given to Israel

Exodus 24:7 all that the Lord hath spoken will we do

II      The Old Testament tells us that Israel broke the first commandment

Exodus 20: 3-4 no others gods, no images

Exodus 32:1-6 Aaron made the golden calf

Harry Ironside: “Idolatry is the sin God hates above all others”

III   Israel’s sin of idolatry is seen in the book of Judges

Judges 2:10-13 worshipped Baal and Ashtaroth

Judges 2:16-17 they went a whoring after other gods

Judges 3:5-7 served other gods

IV   Samuel was the last Judge because Israel requested a King

1 Samuel 7:15-17 Samuel judged at four locations

1 Samuel 8:3-5 the elders asked for a King

V      God permitted them to have a United Kingdom for 120 Years

Acts 13:20-21 Saul for 40 years

1 Kings 2:10-11 David for 40 years

1 Kings 11: 42 Solomon for 40 years

1 Kings 11:1-8 Solomon ended his years living in idolatry

VI   Then the kingdom was Divided

1)      Facts about the Northern Kingdom of Israel

Composed of ten tribes

Capital City, Samaria

Jeroboam, first King

1 Kings 11:26,31 Jeroboam son of Nebat, given ten tribes

1Kings 12:28 King made two idols

1 Kings 12:29 one at Bethel, the other at Dan

2 Kings 17:16 they left all the commandments of the Lord

2)      Facts about the Southern Kingdom of Judah and Benjamin

1 Kings 11:43 Reoboam was the first King

2 Kings 17:19 Judah kept not the commandments

Jerusalem was the Capital city

VII      Judgment fell upon Israel in 712 B.C. - the Assyrian Captivity

2 Kings 17:5-6,23

2 Kings 18:11-12

Amos 9:8

VIII   Judgment fell upon Judah 100 years later in 606 BC – the Babylonian Captivity

2 Kings 17:19 and 2 Chronicles 36:15-21