The Plan
of the Ages
Dispensational Dealings with Humanity
Idolatry Brought Captivity
Part IV
Lesson XXX
The first reasons for
the Babylonian Captivity of
2 Chronicles 36:11-13 the spiritual condition
of the King of Judah
2 Chronicles 36:14 the spiritual condition
of chief priests and chief people
2 Chronicles 36: 15-16 the spiritual condition
of the people of the nation
2 Chronicles 36: 17 therefore, He brought
the King of the Chaldees
2 Chronicles 36:18 the holy vessels of the
temple were taken to
cf Daniel 5:1-5
2 Chronicles 36: 19 he burnt the temple,
broke down
2 Chronicles 36:20 those who escaped death
were taken captive to
carried to
Perhaps the greater reason
for the captivity
2 Chronicles 36:21 to give the
Leviticus 25:1-4
Leviticus 26:23, 24, 32-35
When the 70 years were
fulfilled Daniel began to pray
Daniel 9:1-4 he had been studying the
book of Jeremiah
Jeremiah 29:10-14 God had made a promise
The first to return were
under the leadership of Ezra (536 BC)
2 Chronicles 36:22-23 all the Lord’s doing
Ezra 1:1-4 a Gentile King sends the
Jews back to rebuild their
Ezra 2:64-65 almost 50,000 returned
The second return were
under the leadership of Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of
Nehemiah 2:1-10 another Gentile King
helps the Jews
The Book of Malachi
reveals the conditions of the Jews 50 years later
Malachi 1:6-8, 10, 13 they despised the things
of God
Malachi 3:8 they were robbing God
The last words in
Malachi 4:6 lest I come and smite
the earth with a curse
it would have been forever, if Christ had not come!