The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

John the Messenger

Lesson XXX1

January 29, 2006



I         In The Old Testament Malachi promises the coming of a messenger

Malachi 3:1 Behold, I will send my messenger…”

This promise was given to backslidden and apostate people therefore it is all of Grace.

II      In The New Testament the messenger is identified as John

Matthew 11:9-10 Believers refer to him as John the Baptist

Mark 1:1-4 links the New Testament with the Old

Luke 1:76-79 the work of John foretold at his birth

III   What does the New Testament teach Believers about this man John?

John 1:6 he was a man sent from God, as were all true Prophets

John 1:7-8 he came as a witness of the True Light

John 1: 20-25 he considered himself but a voice

Matthew 3:1-5 the voice crying Prepare ye the way of the Lord

Isaiah 40:3 the voice

John 5:35 he is a burning and shining light

cf Luke 1:13-16 many turned to the Lord as a result

Mark 6:20 Herod heard and feared John

John 10:41 John did no miracle

IV   To Believers, the end of John’s life was very sad

1.      Herod imprisoned John

Matthew 11:2-4 John needed to be told again

Matthew 14:3 Herodias was behind that deed

Mark 6:17-18 Herodias did not like what John had said

2.      Herod beheaded John

Luke 9:7-9 Herod was a Sadducee

Luke 23:8-9 Jesus would not speak to Herod

V      John’s life was a successful life, he prepared the way for Jesus

John had served his purpose and God allowed Herod to murder him.

Some teach “serve God and you will be protected from harm,” but this is not true.

John 3:30 John said, “He must increase, I must decrease.”

Matthew 11:2 at the end of his life, John only had two disciples left

Luke 1:16 the rest of his disciples left him to follow Jesus

Luke 1:15 John was great in the eyes of the Lord, not in the eyes of men