The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

God Sends His Son

Part I

Lesson XXXII

February 5, 2006



I         Introduction

Galatians 4:4 the time was come - God sent His Son

Do these words not indicate a plan?

Psalm 102:13-16 the set time, is come

Do these words not indicate a plan?

John 1:17 contrast: the law by Moses, grace and truth by Jesus Christ

In this we see evidence of another plan

Romans 10:4 Christ is the end of the law for righteousness

Galatians 5:4 justified by the law, fallen from grace

Thus by Coming of Christ, the Dispensation of the law ends, and the Dispensation of the grace of God begins.

II      The major theme of the Bible is the person of Jesus Christ

1)      The Old Testament concerns Him

Luke 24:27 beginning at Moses, that is, Genesis

2)      The New Testament concerns Him

Matthew 1:1 the book of the generation of Jesus Christ

3)      The Gospel concerns Him

Romans 1:1-3 gospel - concerning His Son

Romans 1:16 gospel of Christ

I Corinthians 15:1-4 the gospel, Christ died and rose again

There is no gospel apart from Jesus Christ.

III   This person became a part of human history

Who is He?  The Bible has the answer

Was He only another human being?  The Bible has the answer

Was He also Deity?  The Bible has the only answer

Matthew 1:23 Emmanuel, God with us

1 Timothy 3:16 God manifest in flesh

Hebrews 1:1-3 express image of God

2 Corinthians 4:3-6 the image of God

Romans 9:5 God blessed forever

John 20:28 my Lord and my God

John 10:33 make yourself God

Luke 18:19 none good but God

Jesus was either saying He was not good, or He was saying He was God.

IV   Conclude

Hebrews 10:5 He had a prepared body

It is most important that we establish Christ’s Deity.