The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

God Sends His Son

Part II


February 12, 2006



I         The Bible teaches that Christ is the Image of the Invisible God

John 4:24 God is a Spirit

Luke 24:39 a Spirit hath not flesh and bones

John 1:18 no man hath seen God

Colossians 1:15 God is invisible

II      Therefore, by the Coming of Jesus Christ, the invisible was made visible

John 1:14 The Word was made flesh

John 1:1 is existence

John 1:14 a new form of the same existence.  He came out of Eternity into Time.  He not only came among us, but became one of us.

Isaiah 53:2 He did not take on pretty flesh

Philippians 2:7 He was made a man

1 Corinthians 15:39 all flesh is not the same

1 Timothy 2:5 the man

Galatians 4:4  He was made of a woman

The Virgin birth gave Him his human body

Hebrews 10:5 we learn it was a prepared body

Galatians 4:4 He was made under the law

Here we must not miss the dispensational time element

Romans 15:8 a minister of the circumcision

Matthew 10:5,6 go not to the Gentiles, go rather to the house of Israel

Matthew 15: 21-28 not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel

Jesus was the only One who kept the law

Psalm 1:1 who is that man?

2 Corinthians 5:21 who knew no sin

1 Peter 2:22 who did no sin

1 John 3:5 in Him is no sin

Hebrews 2:12 He was made like unto his brethren

Hebrews 2:16 the seed of Abraham

Matthew 1:21 his people, the Jews

John 4:9 thou being a Jew

This Scripture explains why the Jews have been and are hated by the world.

John 15:18 hated me.

They are hated not because they are called Christ killers, but because they became Christ givers Romans 9:3-5