The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

The Sin of Unbelief


March 12, 2006


I         Review

1)      In Grace God sent His Son into this world

1John 4:10 love…sent His Son

1 John 5:20 and we know the Son of God is come

Titus 2:11 the grace of God hath appeared to all men

2)      God gave man one responsibility

John 6:28-29 to believe on His Son

3)      Therefore man’s greatest failure is unbelief regarding Jesus Christ

John 3:17-20 because he hath not believed

John 5:36-40 him ye believe not

Eve’s sin was her unbelief.  By believing Satan she was calling God a liar.

I John 5:10  he that believeth not God hath made him a liar.

II      Jeremiah’s lament is typical of this age

Jeremiah 13:10-11 refuse to hear my words

Jeremiah 13:15-17 ye will not hear

Acts 3:23 every soul that will not hear shall be destroyed

Luke 8:18 take heed how ye hear

Mark 4:24 take heed what ye hear

Revelation 2:7 he that hath an ear let him hear

Romans 10:17 faith cometh by hearing

The emphasis in religion is on seeing, thus idols, prayer beads, prayer shawls, etc

The emphasis in Christianity is on hearing.


III   The Greatest sin in the sight of God today is Unbelief

1)      Men will not believe in the inspiration of all Scripture

2 Timothy 3:16-17 all Scripture is given by inspiration of God

2 Peter 1:20 holy men spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost

1 Corinthians 14:37 the things I write are the commandments of the Lord

1 Corinthians 11:23 I received of the Lord

Jeremiah 1:2, 7, 9,11,12,13,14,15,19

All other unbelief stems from unbelief in the Inspiration of Scripture

This leads to apostasy

2)      Men will not believe that God is Creator of all things

Genesis 1:1 believe that, then proceed

Evolution is blind unbelief.  When men reject the Creator they soon become worshipers of the Creation.

February 24, 2006, 450 US churches celebrated “Evolution Sunday”

3)      Men will not believe that Jesus Christ is the Only Saviour

Acts 4:12 salvation in none other

John 14:6 I am the way

4)      Men will not believe the prominent place the Bible gives to Israel

The word Israel is found 2582 times in the Bible

If we believe the Bible we must admit that Israel is of great importance to God, “Any serious study of Bible prophecy needs to give special consideration to tiny Israel, where only one in one thousand of the world’s population lives.”

Romans 11:22 reveals but the severity of God by the history of Israel

5)       Men will not believe the Fact of the Second Coming of Christ

2 Peter 3:3,4 where is the promise of His Coming

March 01, 06 I was told of a Christian young man who said to his father, “I don’t want to hear anything more about the Coming of the Lord."

IV   Conclude

Unbelief is the greatest sin because it is universal

Unbelief is the greatest sin because it continually increases

Unbelief is the greatest sin because of the boldness with which it speaks

Unbelief is the greatest sin because of its final result, everlasting darkness, everlasting night, shut out from the Presence of God.