The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

The Time of the Rapture

Part I

Lesson XXXIX

March 26, 2006



I         A judgment of 70 consecutive years captivity after 490 years of disobedience

Jeremiah 25:11 God told Jeremiah that His judgment upon Israel would be 70 years of captivity in Babylon

2 Chronicles 36:21 God gives His reason for this judgment, Israel disobeyed God’s command to let the land rest every 7th year Exodus 23:10, 11

The 7th year is a sabbatical year

Israel disobeyed the commandment and did not keep 70 sabbatical years.

70 x 7 sabbatical years = 490 years of disobedience

II      At the end of the judgment (70 years), Daniel prays

At the end of the 70 years of captivity, Daniel prayed for God to reveal His will for Israel because the Babylonians had destroyed Jerusalem, the Temple and scattered its people

Daniel 9:2 Daniel had been reading the book of Jeremiah

Daniel 9:10-13 Daniel had found God’s promise

Daniel 9:3 Daniel set himself to pray, asking what God was going to do about God’s city, Jerusalem and God’s people, Israel:

Daniel 9:16 Thy city - Jerusalem and Thy people Israel

Daniel 9:17 Thy sanctuary now desolate

Today, the world does not believe that Jerusalem and Israel belong to God

III   Another judgment of 490 non consecutive years

Daniel 9:24-27 God told Daniel there would be another judgment upon Israel of 490 years, 7 x 70 weeks (years) to occur at three different times

Daniel 9: 24 The judgment is upon Israel, not the gentile nations

The 490 years of judgment are determined by God to occur at three different times:

1.      verse 25 seven weeks (7x7 years = 49 years) – This has happened

We are told a little about this time, the seven weeks (49 years)

2.      verse 26 sixty two weeks (62x7 years = 434 years) – This has happened

We are not told anything about this time (434 years), except that it followed immediately after the time of seven weeks (49 years)

3.      verse 27 one week (7 years = 7 years) – This has not happened

This time is the 70th week (7 years) of the 70 weeks (490 years)

IV   When do the three times occur in relation to the Cross?

Daniel 9:26 after 69 weeks, the 7 weeks (49 years) and the 62 weeks (434 years), but before the 70th week (7 years) – shall be cut off - Christ is crucified on the Cross

Isaiah 53:8 He was cut off (crucified) from the land of the living

Only the 70th week remains to be fulfilled this side of the cross

Is the 70th week (7 years) in the past or future?  Does it fit history or prophecy?

V      Jesus tells us when the 70th week (7 years) will occur this side of the Cross

Matthew 24:15 when (a time word) you see this abomination spoken of by Daniel in Daniel 9:27 – Jesus connects Daniel with the Tribulation

Matthew 24: 21 then (a time word) shall be the great tribulation

Matthew 24:29 and immediately after (a time word) the great tribulation

Matthew 24:30 then (a time word) the second coming

Here Jesus connects Daniel’s 70th week with this specific tribulation

Therefore the 70th week of Daniel is the time of tribulation, and all the weeks are judgment upon Israel Daniel 9:24

VI   The Church is not appointed to wrath

1 Thessalonians 5:8-11 God hath not appointed the Church to wrath

Romans 5:9 The Church shall be saved from wrath

The greater part of the Church, now in Heaven, certainly has missed the Tribulation

The 69 weeks (434 years) had nothing to do with the Church because the Church came after the Cross.  The 69 weeks were solely upon Israel.

Like the 69 weeks, the 70th week also belongs to Israel and not to the Church

VII      Conclude

The 70 years in Babylon were judgment upon Israel, not the Church

The 69 weeks of Daniel were judgment upon Israel, not the Church

The 70th week must also be upon Israel and not the Church, which must be Raptured before the 70th week begins