The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

The Tribulation

Lesson XLII

April 30, 2006



I  Introduction

There are three major subjects yet to be considered in this series of studies.

They are all part of God’s Great Plan.

1        The Great Tribulation

Matthew 24:21  there shall be great tribulation

                              Such as was not 

                              Nor ever shall be

A definite period of time separated from this age of grace.

Segregated from all before it and all that comes after it


Matthew 24:22  and except those days should be shortened, there should no

flesh be saved  It must be a world-wide tribulation

For the Elects sake it will be shortened  The Elect here has reference to Israel.


2        The Second Coming or Revelation of Christ

Matthew 24:29-30  immediately after the tribulation of those days,( not 70 A.D or any other period of trouble, but the tribulation of the context) Christ appears.

To try and explain these verses as having been already fulfilled is wrong.

J. Marcellus Kik, page 13 “ All the verses in Matthew Twenty-four up to verse 34 describe the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D….”  We cannot agree.

Acts 1:9-11  will be fulfilled as will Matthew 24:27-30.


3        The Millennial Reign of Christ on earth for 1000 years.

Revelation 20:1-7  how many times does God have to tell us before we will believe?  There is nothing more literal than a number.  10 never means 20!

The promise of such a time of peace is everywhere in the Old Testament  Prophets

Romans 15:8  When Jesus came the first time, He confirmed the promises made to the fathers (of Israel)

When He comes the next time he will fulfill all those  promises.

There are three major promises made to Israel to be fulfilled by Messiah

(1)   secure the land . (2) rebuild their temple.  (3) bring peace to the Nation

II  We Believe that Revelation chapters 6-18 describe the Great Tribulation.

            Revelation 19: 11-16  describes the actual Return and Revelation of Christ

            Revelation chapters 20-22  are events after His return

            Revelation chapters 6-18  are events before His return

            Matthew 24:29  His return is immediately after the Tribulation, therefore the events of Revelation 6-18 must be the Tribulation.