The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

The Return of Christ to Earth

Lesson XLIII

May 7, 2006


I  The Doctrine of the Second Coming is found in both Old and New Testaments

            Zechariah 14:4  His feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives

            Acts 1:11  this same Jesus shall so come…

II  We have established when Christ will return to earth.

Matthew 24:29-30  immediately after the Tribulation  We do not know when the Rapture will take place, it is always imminent.  But The Second Coming is dated

III  How will Jesus Christ Return?

            Revelation 1:7  visibly, for every eye shall see Him

            Revelation 19:11  here there are three things stated

1)      Heaven will be opened. 

What a revelation that will be.  Heaven can now see earth, then earth will see into Heaven!

2)      A White horse with a Rider appears.  Don’t let this distract you

Isaiah 31: 3.  there are two kinds of horses.  Flesh and spirit

2 Kings 6:17   special eyes are needed to see these spirit-horses

3)  He comes to judge and make war.

            This is the neglected aspect of the Second Coming

IV  Jesus Christ comes to Judge and make war.

            Isaiah 61:2   three statements about God’s calendar

            1)  the acceptable year of the Lord  (that is today , Luke 4:16-20)

            2)  the day of vengeance

            3)  the day of comfort

            Deuteronomy 32:35,41,43  Vengeance belongs to God

                        Romans 12:19, Hebrews10:30 quote Deuteronomy

            Nahum 1:2  God is jealous…the Lord will take vengeance

                        Romans 2:5  men are treasuring up wrath

            2 Thessalonians 1:8  He comes in flaming fire taking vengeance

            Zechariah14:1-3  He comes to fight as He fought…

            Isaiah 63:1-6  in part, the day of vengeance

            Proverbs 2:22  will be fulfilled

V  How has God fought for Israel in the Past?

            Exodus 14:10-14. stand still and see  -  the Lord shall fight for you

            Exodus 14:19-31  read what happens

            Joshua 10: 14,42  the Lord fought for Israel

            2 Chronicles 14:12  The Lord smote the Ethiopians 

            2 Chronicles20: 29 The Lord fought

VI.. One Great Lesson

            Proverbs 16:3  Commit thy works unto the Lord…

            Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the Lord to fight for you