The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

Features of the 1000 Years -II


June 11, 2006


“Predictive Scripture speaks more to the subject of the Millennium than to any other in the Word of God  C.W. Buxton


I  A World Regenerated

            Matthew 19:28  in the regeneration

            Acts 3:20-21  in the restitution

II  A World Restored to a Former State

            Genesis 1:30  beasts and fowl were herb - eaters

            Isaiah 11:7  cow and the bear shall feed

            Genesis 1:7  the waters under the firmament made a canopied earth

            Isaiah 4:5,6   the Lord will create a cloud

            Exodus 14:19-20 , Numbers 9:15-17  the cloud a type of what is to be

            Genesis 2:7  the Lord planted a garden in Eden

            Isaiah 51:3  he will make her wilderness like Eden

            Ezekiel 36:35  Israel will be like Eden again

            Isaiah 65:20-21  long life restored -  Age 100 will be like a child

III  A World made Right

            Isaiah 14:7  whole earth at rest

            Isaiah 16:5  hasting righteousness

            Psalm 67: 1-7  shall judge righteously

            Psalm 98:10  judge righteously

IV  A World at Peace

            Luke 2:14  peace on earth

            Deuteronomy 11:21  days of heaven on earth  cf  Matthew 6:10

            Psalm 37:11  abundance of peace

            Psalm 72:1-3, 7-8  peace by righteousness

V  A World without War

            Psalm 46:9-10  he maketh wars to cease

            Isaiah 2:4  learn war no more

            Hosea 2:18  break the battle out of the earth

            Micah 4:3  (not) learn war

VI  A World with a Bodily- Present Christ

            Matthew 25:31  He comes in His glory

            Psalm 102:16  appears in his glory

            1 Peter 5:1  revealed in His glory

            Numbers 14:21, Habakkuk 2:14   earth filled with his glory

            Psalm 72:19 , Isaiah 6:15  whole earth filled with his glory

            Ezekiel 43:2  earth shines with his glory

VII  Conclusion

            1 Corinthians 15:20-26  the purpose of the Millennium revealed