The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

Events after the 1000 Years

Lesson  XLIX

June 18, 2006



I.. Satan is loosed for a little season

            Revelation 20:3  after the thousand years, loosed for a brief time.

            Revelation 20:7  loosed , again to deceive.

            This will prove that the hearts of men are evil, and many of those born during the 1000 years living under Christ’s reign , will turn to Satan against Christ

II  Satan gathers Nations, including Gog and Magog, against Jerusalem to war

            Revelation 20:8,9- fire from Heaven will devour them

            Who can fight against the Lord?

III  Satan comes to his final end

            Revelation 20:10  he is cast into the Lake of fire.  After a 1000 years the beast and

            false prophet are still there

            Matthew 25:41  The lake of fire is the pl ace prepared for the Devil and his angels

IV  The bodies of the ungodly dead, are resurrected

            Revelation 20:5  the rest of the dead lived again after the 1000 years

The resurrection is likened to the harvest in Israel.

            Leviticus 23:10,22

1)      The sheaf of first fruits.  I. Corinthians 15:23- type of Christ’s resurrection

2)      The main harvest  1 Corinthians 15:23 those who are Christ’s at His coming

1 Thessalonians 4:16  resurrection at the Rapture - New Testament Saints

Job 19:25-26  resurrection at the second Coming - Old Testament Saints

3)  The gleanings-  Revelation 20:4   tribulation Saints.

Revelation 20:6   All this is the first resurrection, blessed and holy. From

the sheaf of first fruits to the gleanings are all the one harvest

4)      The tares.  I Corinthians 15:24  the end of resurrection –the ungodly

.Matthew 13:38-41, Revelation 20:5

V.. The Great White Throne is set up in space for the ungodly

            Revelation 20:11-earth and heaven flee away-no place to stand

             The final judgment of the unsaved

            Revelation 20:12-13  the books prove their guilt

VI  Death and Hades are then cast into the Lake of Fire

            Revelation 20:14—the last enemy death is destroyed.  1 Corinthians 15:26

            This is the second death, final separation from God

VII  All whose names are not in the Book of Life are in the Lake of Fire

            Revelation 20:15  they have chosen Satan and will be with him

VIII  Then All things New

            Revelation chapters 21 and 22

            Hebrews 6:5  the world (age) to come- the 1000 years

            Ephesians 2:7  there are ages to come

            Ephesians 2:21  world without end.