The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

Man’s First Responsibility and Failure

Lesson V

June 19, 2005



I         God in Sovereign Grace created the first man

Genesis 1:27 So God created man

Genesis 2:7 The Lord God formed man of the dust

Genesis 5:1 The book of the generations of Adam

II      Then God created the woman for the man

I Corinthians 11:8-9

III   God’s first responsibility was given to the man

Genesis 2:15-17 The Lord commanded the man

There was but one simple command, “not to eat”

IV    Man’s first failure, Eve, then Adam ate of the forbidden fruit

Genesis 3:1-6 she took the fruit and gave to her husband

1 Timothy 2:14 the woman was deceived

Genesis 2:17 eat and you shall surely die

Genesis 3:4 you shall not surely die

V      The first man’s failure brought sin and death

Romans 5:12 by one man sin and death

VI   Man’s failure is followed by God’s judgments

Genesis 3:16-19; cf Galatians 3:13 sorrow , thorns, thistles, sweat

Genesis 3:23-24 He drove out the man

Romans 8:22 creation groaneth

VII      Further result of the fall and judgments of God

Humanity is wicked, corrupt and violent in a troubled world