The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

Before and After Adam Fell

Lesson VII

July 3, 2005


I         Introduction

Mark 10:6 “from the beginning of creation God made them male and female

Matthew 12:3 have ye not read…

Matthew 19:4 have ye not read…

Matthew 21:16 have ye never read…

Matthew 21:42 did ye never read…

Matthew 22:31-32 have ye not read…

Matthew 24:15 Daniel the prophet

II      Before Adam Fell

Genesis 2:19-20 reveals his great intelligence

Genesis 2:25 both Adam and Eve were innocent

As yet, no sin, shame, sorrow, suffering, pain, fear or death

Adam indeed was under a test, on trial, on probation

We cannot speak of him as being “saved” for there was no salvation needed

III   After the Fall

Romans 5:12 by Adam came sin and death into this world and because of sin it became a troubled world

The question is often asked: why did God allow sin and the fall?

IV   See How God Judged Adam and Eve

1)      Eve Genesis 3:16 multiplied sorrow with child birth, multiplied conception and added submission

2)      Adam Genesis 3:17, cursed earth, sorrow, thorns, thistles, hard labour and finally physical as well as spiritual death

Romans 8:22 a groaning creation

Galatians 3:13 delivered from the law, not Adam’s curse.

That curse is sill with us, thus the reality, the literalness of God’s

Hebrews 9:27 Judgment cannot be over-looked

V      The First Dispensation ends, another Begins

1)      In Grace Genesis 3:15 a Seed is Promised to be a Saviour

Genesis 3:20 Adam’s faith is manifest naming his wife Eve, the mother of all living

Genesis 3:21 God’s provision

2)      Genesis 3:22 now man has a conscience, a knowledge of good and evil, not the ability to do good or keep from evil