The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

Man’s Works or God’s Work?

Lesson VIII

July 10, 2005



I         Review: One Dispensation ends, another Begins

In Grace:

Genesis 3:15 A Seed of the woman is promised

Genesis 3:20 Adam believed God

Genesis 3:21 God provided an offering

God’s law demanded the death of the sinner.  That demand was satisfied by a sacrifice.  It was God’s grace that provided that first sacrifice.

Remember: God found the animals to sacrifice

God slew those animals, not man

God made coats of skins, not man

The garments would be a perfect fit

God clothed Adam and Eve, it was not their doing

When Adam and Eve made their aprons of fig leaves, they were naked in God’s sight.  When God clothed Adam and Eve, being a work of God, God was satisfied with His work.

II      Adam’s work pictures human righteousness by works; God’s work pictures Divine righteousness without human works

Of human righteousness God says:

Isaiah 64:6 all our righteousnesses are as filthy, (dirty) rags.  Worse than fig leaves!

Of God’s provided righteousness for sinners

Isaiah 45:8 The Lord has created it

Isaiah 46:13 my righteousness

Isaiah 54:17 their righteousness is of me

Isaiah 61:10 covered me with the robe of righteousness

In the New Testament

Romans 1:16-18 two things are revealed in the gospel

The righteousness of God

The wrath of God

Romans 3:21-26 righteousness unto all, upon all that believe

Romans 4:1-8 two men received righteousness by believing

Galatians 3:6

Romans 10:3,4 be ignorant of God’s righteousness, and you will go about to establish your own


III   From the time of Adam’s Fall, men of faith began to build altars for sacrifices















Pointed backward to the Fall and pointed forward to the Cross

Hebrews 10:3,4 sacrifices of animals did not remove sin

John 1:29 God’s lamb alone can remove sin

1 Corinthians 1:18 the cross is foolishness to those who do not believe