The Plan of the Ages

God’s Dispensational Dealings with Humanity

God’s Altar, Abel’s Altar

Lesson IX

July 17, 2005



I         From the time of Adam’s fall, men of faith began to build altars for sacrifices

1)      The Bible at the beginning, tells of sin and death entering the world

Genesis 2:17 eat, and surely die

Genesis 3:19 to dust shalt thou return

Romans 5:12 by man, came sin and death

2)      The Bible concludes with no more death

Revelation 21:4 no more death

1 Corinthians 15:26 death, an enemy to be destroyed

3)      The fall made the altar necessary

Death will be no more when sin is no more

II      The second altar of sacrifice in the Bible

Genesis 4:1-4 Abel’s altar and bleeding lamb

III   The generations of Adam

Genesis 5:1 Adam in the likeness of God

Genesis 1:27 Adam in the image of God

Genesis 1:31 Over Adam’s head “very good”

Luke 3:38 Adam alone is called a son of God

Genesis 5:3 Adam begat a son in his image

Psalm 51:5 all born of men have been sinners

IV   The only one born since Adam who can claim the image of God is Christ

2 Corinthians 4:4 the image

Colossians 1:15 the image

Hebrews 1:3 the express image

V      Because of the fall, man now has a conscience

Genesis 2:17 tree of the knowledge of good and evil

Genesis 3:5 eyes opened to know good and evil

Genesis 3:22 good and evil

Conscience gives one a knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong

Conscience does not give ability to do good or right, nor does it keep from doing evil and wrong

Proverbs 20:27 the spirit is the candle of the Lord

Romans 1:19 in them

Romans 1:32 who knowing 

John 8:9 convicted in their conscience

Romans 2:15 conscience accusing or excusing

1 Timothy 4:2 seared conscience