Berean Bible Church

The Feast of Weeks

Lesson VI

March 9, 2008





We have called these feasts of Leviticus, “the special days marked on God’s Calendar”, all being shadows of great events to take place in later history.

The first four feasts, that were really only pictures, have merged into history as actual, literal events.


The feast of Passover (on our Calendar April 14),   pointing forward to the cross.

The feast that followed (15),pointing forward to fellowship based on the cross

The Sheaf of firstfruits pointing forward to the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb

The feast of weeks pointing forward to the Day of Pentecost

At a glance, one can see that all were fulfilled by the First Coming of Jesus Christ.


Is it therefore, unreasonable to expect the pictures of the last three feasts, when fulfilled,  will become actual historical events?  All to be connected with the Second Coming of Christ at His Revelation.


Between the first four feasts and the last three there was a space of months.  We believe that space represents this age.  This age in which we live, may rightly be named:  The dispensation of grace, the dispensation of the Church , and the dispensation of the Holy Spirit.


I   Leviticus 23:15-17 ( note also verse 22, identifies this feast with the harvest)


The feast of firstfruits was at the beginning of harvest season

The feast of weeks was at the end of the harvest season.

You cannot date a harvest’s beginning or date of ending.

At this feast they waved two loaves made with leaven.  Why two loaves? God is now going to deal with both Jews and Gentiles.  These loaves do not speak of Christ because of the leaven, but of the Church in which there  will be evil until Rapture


II  Acts 2:1  “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come…”


The word ‘Pentecost” means 50th, so this event took place 50 days after Christ’s resurrection. That was the day on which the Holy Spirit was sent.

A personal ministry of the Holy Spirit began “taking out from Jew and Gentile a people for his name” Acts 15:14.  The Holy Spirit will return to His ministry from the Throne of God, as before Pentecost, at the Rapture of the Church.

Remember, His ministry did not begin at Pentecost,  He was at work at the beginning of Creation.  Genesis 1:2

III  The Holy Spirit brings Conviction to the unsaved.


John 16:7-11

of sin (vs9),the  sin of unbelief .

of righteousness (vs 10), because I go to my Father; of provided righteousness  Romans 3:21-22

of judgment (not to come) (vs 11) , judgment already executed on Satan.


John 16:12-15

 the Holy Spirit does not speak of Himself, but leads people to Christ.


IV   The Holy Spirit Regenerates to Indwell the one who believes in Christ


            Titus 3:5                  regeneration is a work of the Holy Spirit

            Ephesians 2:1          He brings from death to life

            John 3:3,6                this is called a new birth of the Spirit

            1 Corinthians 2:12   it is receiving the Spirit which is of God

            Romans 8:9              without which, we are not His

            1 Corinthians 12:13 by the Spirit, we are baptized into the body of Christ

            2 Corinthians 5:17   this work makes New Creatures in Christ


V    The Holy Spirit was sent to be our Comforter

John 14:16-20           Comforter or helper

Romans 8:14             He leads us

Romans 8:14             He bears witness

Romans 8:26-27        He helps us pray


VI   The Holy Spirit is restraining  evil in this world.


            2 Thessalonians 2:7   the old word ‘let’ then meant ‘restrain’


VII  The Holy Spirit gives gifts to the Church


            Acts 2:4;4:31,              filling of the Spirit

            2 Corinthians 1:21       anointing of the Spirit

            1 Corinthians 12:4-11  a list of special gifts

            1 Corinthians 12:28-3  a list of ministry gifts

Galatians 5:22             the Holy Spirit gives the fruit of the Spirit

            1 Corinthians 13:1-3  to have spiritual gifts and ministry gifts without the fruit of

            the  Spirit will profit nothing!



VIII  Conclusion

            Ephesians 6:17  remember, the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God