Berean Bible Church

The Fundamentals of

The Evangelical Christian Faith

Lesson II

First Fundamental-Inspiration

August 26, 2007


I  The First Fundamental or Foundational doctrine, is that of the Divine Inspiration of the Scriptures.

            2 Timothy 3:16  all scripture is given by inspiration of God

                        Does “all” mean “all”?

            Here are two translations: Can you see the major difference between them?

            “All Scripture that is given by inspiration of God is profitable..”

            “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God is profitable…”

II  We remind you of the root meaning of the word “inspiration”

            Psalm 33:6  all creation came into being by the breath of His mouth

            Genesis 2:7   God breathed  into mud and  man became alive

            Job 33:4  Job acknowledged that the breath of the Almighty has given me life

            2 Timothy 3:16  all Scripture is given by inspiration-breath of God

III  Because the Bible is inspired, therefore:

            All is profitable for doctrine, that is teaching

            All is profitable for reproof

            All  is profitable for correction

            All  is profitable for instruction in righteousness

IV  Because the Bible is inspired it is Holy Scripture

            Romans 1:1,2   … promised in  the holy scriptures

            2 Timothy 3:15   …known the holy scriptures

            2 Peter 1:21   written by holy men, moved by the Holy Ghost 

V   Because the Bible is inspired it is the Word of God

            1 Thessalonians 2:13  the Word of God…worketh

            2 Thessalonians 3:1    the word of the Lord

            2 Samuel 23:2       The Lord  spake by me said David

            Hebrews 1:1     God spake by the prophets

            Hebrews 12:25  See that ye refuse not Him that speaketh

VI   Because the Bible is inspired, it is a Revelation from God

            1 Corinthians 1:19-21  the world by human wisdom cannot know God

            1 Corinthians 2:9-10   things eye hath not seen, God has revealed

            1 John 5:10   the Bible is the record that God hath give

            Revelation 22:18-19   no additions, no subtractions

VII  Because the Bible is inspired it is the Sword of the  Spirit

            Ephesians 6:17   the sword…which is the word of God

            Hebrews 4:12   quick  (alive) and powerful

VIII  Because the Bible is inspired it is the Word of prophecy

            2 Peter 1:15-21  more sure word of prophecy

IX    Because the Bible is inspired it is the Seed of regeneration  

            1 Peter 1:23  cf Titus 3:5-6  incorruptible seed: