Berean Bible Church

The Fundamentals of

The Evangelical Christian Faith

Lesson III

Second – Virgin Birth

September 2, 2007


I  The Five Fundamental Doctrines are:


            1  The Divine Inspiration of the Scriptures

                        This is a Bible doctrine and therefore a Christian doctrine because it is

                         what the Bible teaches


2        The Virgin Birth of Christ

This is a Bible doctrine and therefore a Christian doctrine because it is what the Bible teaches.


            3    The Deity of Christ

This is a Bible doctrine and therefore a Christian doctrine because it is what the Bible teaches


4.        The Vicarious Death of Christ

 This is a Bible doctrine and therefore a Christian doctrine because it is what the Bible teaches.

5            The Bodily Resurrection of Christ

This is a Bible doctrine and therefore a Christian doctrine because it is what the Bible teaches.


All these doctrines have the same authority, namely, Bible authority.  If one of these doctrines is not true, all are not true.  Depart from one, you will depart from all.  One does not qualify to be  called an “Evangelical Christian” who does not accept these fundamentals.


II  The Doctrine of the Virgin Birth is certainly in the Scriptures


            Matthew 1:21-23  a virgin shall be with child

            Galatians 4:4   born of a woman  (without a man)

            Luke 1:34  how? I know not a man said Mary

            This is not a human idea!


III  The Virgin Birth was to be a Sign of Messiah’s Coming


            Isaiah 7:14  The Lord Himself shall give you a sign

            Luke 2:12    The sign to the Shepherds- ..a babe in a manger

            Matthew 2:2   The sign  to the Wise men…a star (vs 9,10)

            Matthew 12:39  The sign of the resurrection- Jonah

            The sign to Israel was a virgin born child  Humanly impossible  Luke 1:37


IV   The Virgin Birth did not make Jesus sinless and pure.


            Luke 1:31  thou shalt conceive in thy womb-  the human thing-son of Mary

Luke 1:35  that Holy thing…declared to be  Son of God.  So it was His Deity, that Holy thing that made Him sinless and pure, not the human thing    


V.. The Virgin Birth Did not make Him the Son of God


            Romans 8:3  The Son was sent in  flesh

            John 3:16  The Son was given, the flesh was born

            John 17:5  He was the Son before the world was


VI  The Virgin Birth did make Him the Son of Man


            Matthew 16:13  son of man as to His humanity

            Matthew 16:16   Son of God because of His Deity

            John 3:14  the son of man was lifted up- as man He died


VII  The Virgin Birth made Him the son of David after the flesh


            Romans 1:3 made of the seed of David according to the flesh

            Luke 1:27   Mary was of the house of David

            Luke 1:32-33  As such he would take the throne of David


VIII  The Virgin Birth made Him the Son of Abraham


            Matthew 1:1  Jesus Christ son of David, son of Abraham

            Hebrews 2:16  The seed of Abraham


IX  The Virgin Birth Made Him a Jew and King of the Jews


            John 4:9  thou being a Jew

            Matthew2:2  born king of the Jews


X  The Virgin Birth made Him the Saviour of the World


            Matthew 1:21  He shall save His people

            Luke 2:11   unto you is born a Saviour

            John 4:42  Christ the Saviour

            Acts 4:12  Salvation in no other