Berean Bible Church

How God Sees People

Lesson VI

David – I

January 07, 2007



Acts 13:22  David – a man after mine own heart…”  Because of that statement, made long after David’s life on earth was complete, we know that God saw David as a spiritual man.

In this lesson we outline some facts about David.  The next lesson David the type of Christ.  Then, David as a man among men.


I  David the Shepherd

1 Samuel 16:11“ he keepeth the sheep…”

1 Chronicles 17:7-8  …I took thee from the sheepcote…”

1 Samuel 17:32-37  looking after sheep, David learned how to trust God & play his harp.

A lesson:

God’s people in both Old and New Testaments are called “sheep”.

Psalm 78:52; Psalm 79:13 ; Psalm 100:3   sheep, sheep..sheep

John 21:15-17  Jesus said to Peter,  “feed my lambs”  “feed my sheep”

2 Peter 2:22  God’s people are never identified as “dogs” or “sows”

God was using David’s lowly occupation (Genesis 46:34) to prepare him for greater service.  David did not know he was being prepared to be a Leader, a King!

II  David the Singer

1 Samuel 16:18,23  David was cunning in playing…his harp.

2 Samuel 23:1  he was the sweet psalmist of Israel.  We forget the Psalms were hymns.

David learned to play, sing and use a sling looking after sheep.  Time of preparation was not lost time ,David did not know he was being prepared to be King.

III  David the Sinner

2 Samuel 11:1-5  what was wrong then ,is wrong now

2 Samuel 12:9  God said, “thou hast killed..”

2 Samuel 12:13,14   thou hast given occasion to the enemies of the Lord cf Romans 2:24

IV.  David had a Saviour

Psalm 32:1-5  blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven

Romans 4:6-8  blessed,  blessed,  blessed

V..  David the Saint

Hebrews 11:32  he is listed with the hero’s of faith

Matthew 1:6  of the kings listed, only David is called a King

VI  David the Seer

1 Samuel 9:9  before, prophets were called seers.

Acts 2:29-30  David the prophet

1 Kings 15:3  God was looking at David’s heart  cf  1 Corinthians 4:5

VII  David the Scribe

1 Chronicles 28:18-19  writing by his hand upon me…

2 Samuel 23:1-2  the Spirit spake by   2 Peter 1:19-21