Berean Bible Church

Paul’s Advice to Timothy

Lesson VI

1 Timothy 5:22 and 6:5

August 2, 2009


          1 Timothy 3:15  behave thyself

          1 Timothy 4:7    exercise thyself

          1 Timothy 4:15  give thyself

          1 Timothy 4:16  take heed unto thyself

1 Timothy 4:16  save thyself


I 1 Timothy 5:22  Keep thyself pure

          1 Timothy 6:20-21  keep that which is committed to thy trust

          1 Thessalonians 4:3 this is the will of God

          1 Corinthians 9:27  keep your body under

          James 1:27  keep unspotted

          1 John 5:20  keep from idols

          Jude 21  keep yourselves in the love of God


II  As I see it, the great message of the Book of Timothy is the

          importance of sound doctrine

          1 Timothy 1:3  charge some…teach

          1 Timothy 1:10  sound doctrine

          1 Timothy 4:6  good doctrine

          1 Timothy 4:13 attention   to doctrine

          1 Timothy 4:16  heed..doctrine

          1 Timothy 5:17  labour  in doctrine

          1 Timothy 6:3  doctrine…godliness


III  There are warnings against false teachings and false teachers

          1 Timothy 1:5-7  some have swerved desiring to be teachers

          1 Timothy 1:19-20  concerning faith have made shipwreck

1 Timothy 4:1-3   some departed from the faith


IV 1 Timothy 5:22 must be considered along with 1 Timothy 6:5

          In the context of 1 Timothy 5:22, where we read “keep thyself pure” the meaning of the verse has to do, primarily, with association with men who pervert the truth and         depart from the fundamentals of the faith. 

          1 Timothy 6:3-5 from such withdraw thyself

          Departing from them, we are to keep ourselves pure in doctrine


V  Conclude

            1 Thessalonians 5:27  I charge thee

          2 Timothy4:1  I charge thee

          1 Timothy 6:20-21 O Timothy