Berean Bible Church

The Prophets

Lesson XIV

Great Prophecies in Joel

April 11, 2010


Introduction- an Illustration

            Isaiah 61:1-2  cf Luke 4:16-20 By reading only to the coma, Jesus was showing a space of years (the age of the Church) before the day of vengeance.


I  Joel  2:28-29  then Joel 2:30  Between these verses is the Church age

            Joel’s message being to Israel, Joel skips from Pentecost to the great Tribulation events, that take place immediately before Christ returns.  Matthew 24:29-30


II  Joel 2: 30  “I will show wonders…”

1.      During the Tribulation, Satan will show his wonders

2 Thessalonians 2:9  lying wonders

Revelation 12:9    deceiving

Revelation 13:13-14  great wonders


            2.  After the Tribulation God will show His wonders

                  Mark 13 :24  in those days, after that tribulation

                  Joel 2:30-31 in the heavens and the earth


III  Joel 2:31  These wonders- “before the Great and terrible Day of the Lord…”

            2 Thessalonians 1:7-10  read carefully

            Joel 2:32  the remnant will be those who believe when they see Christ

                        John 20:24-29  like Thomas

                        Acts 9:1-6  like Saul, who became Paul

                                    1 Corinthians 15:8  seen of me

                                    1 Timothy 1:16 pattern to those hereafter who believe

                                    Zechariah 12:10  they shall look upon me


IV  Joel 3:1-2  “In that day” Two things

When I shall bring again the captivity of Judah…

I will gather all Nations the valley of Jehoshaphat


V   How and why will God gather the Nations to this Valley?

            Matthew 24:9   Jews will be hated of all Nations (Gentiles)

            Zechariah12:3   Jerusalem to become a burdensome stone for all people

            Zechariah 12:9  I will seek to destroy all the Nations that come against Jerusalem

            Zechariah 14:1-3 then shall the Lord go forth to fight against…

            How will He do it?  By making Jerusalem a problem for the world.

            Why will He do it:?  To bring judgment upon the hostile Nations