Berean Bible Church

The Prophets

Lesson III

Hosea Chapter One

January 17, 2010



The story of Gomer’s broken relationship with her husband Hosea is recorded to illustrate Israel’s broken relationship with their God.  A relationship that will, one day, have a full and final restoration.


I  Hosea 1:1 -  dates the time of Hosea’s ministry.

a. During the reign of Uzziah, (2 Chron. 26)cf Amos 1:1, Zechariah 14:3, Isaiah 6:1) Jotham -(2 Chronicles27) Ahaz (2 Chronicles 28) and Hezekiah (2 Chron..29-32)

b. And during the reign of Jeroboam II, king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel


II  Hosea 1:2-9  God reveals His plan for the people of the Northern Kingdom by naming  Gomer’s children

      Vs 4  Jezreel -  God would scatter Israel, as a farmer scatters seed in his field

      Vs 6  Lo-ruhamah  These scattered people would not be pitied

      Vs 9  Lo-ammi  they would no longer be thought of as the people of God


III  Hosea 1:10  Yet, there is a future for Israel

       Amos 9:8  the Northern Kingdom of Israel would be destroyed.   Fulfilled!

       Yet, the people of Jacob, of the ten tribes, would not all be destroyed.

       “Hosea 1:10 “…in the place where it was said, “ye are not my people” it shall be said

ye are the sons of the living God      (Hosea 2:1)

        Jeremiah 32:37 a promise to be fulfilled.

       Jeremiah 33:22  they are to become a multitude cf Genesis 24:66


IV  Hosea 1:11  Then but not until then, Judah and Israel shall be one Nation

Ezekiel 37:16-22  read it.

Great shall be the day of Jezreel.  The world is yet to see what God will do with the seed He has planted in His field.  Matthew 13:38


V  Hosea’s love for Gomer becomes a type of the heart of God for Israel

Gomer, a type of backslidden Israel. Has God cast away His people?

Jeremiah 33:24-26  God answers the question as He does in Romans 11:1-2


VI  Hosea’s story is God’s object lesson for us.

       How could Hosea still love Gomer?

       How could God still love Israel?

       How could God, who knows me better than anyone else, love me?